[14.16] In-Depth Heimerdinger Guide [Mid/Top/Bot/Support] (2024)

Early Game

Level 1

At the start of the game, quickly go to lane and deploy all H-28G Evolution Turrets. This allows you to get turret stacks sooner, giving you slight advantage. If you're playing top or bot lane, it's better to place them in bushes to control territory and get vision.
Be careful; don't put your turrets in front of cannon minions, as they can easily destroy them.
As Heimerdinger, your main goal is to farm as much as possible to be a threat later on, as you're pretty gold-dependent. Your second goal is to prevent your enemies from getting minions and prio. You should be able to outshove your enemies, harassing them under tower while getting CS and tower plates, sometimes even getting early kills. As you're almost always have prio, you can try to help your jungler on river skirmishes failry often, but also take into account your H-28G Evolution Turret and UPGRADE!!! cooldown.
Before mid game, focus on getting CS and plates, avoiding any skillshots or all-ins, using Movement Speed from Hextech Affinity for staying healthy.

Level 2

In mid or top lane you would usually want to get CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade at level 2, as it can punish enemies for getting too close to minions or turrets. If you want to focus solely on farming or you're playing as an APC or Support, you can upgrade Hextech Micro-Rockets second to poke and kill minions faster. I wouldn't recommend spamming it early before getting Lost Chapter.

Level 3

At Level 3, you have everything you need to harass an enemy and farm effectively. That's a small power spike, as you can easily chunk half of the enemy's HP after landing the CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. Avoid enemy ganks, as they will start happening at this time. Know your limits and be aware that you can win most 1v2 fights or escape with a well-landed CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade.

Level 6

Level 6 is your biggest power spike. At this point, you can easily 1v2 (or 2v3 in bot lane) most champions and bait them into kill. Use this to apply a lot of pressure on the map. Push back as many waves as you can, and slowly take Tower Plates. Use UPGRADE!!!, Hextech Affinity, Barrier, Exhaust, Flash, Seeker's Armguard if the enemy jungler ganks you to kill them or escape. Keep farming until you get 1-2 items. You can also easily kill enemy laner 1v1 if they're low using CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade into Hextech Rocket Swarm.
At this point, some champions will start roaming more frequently; don't even bother following them. Instead, push waves and take free tower plates. On the other hand, don't forget to help your jungler in early skirmishes, especially on Neutral Objectives.

Mid Game

As Heimerdinger, your main objective in the mid game is to gain an advantage over your opponents by securing free resources such as minions and jungle camps. This will help you to become stronger and allow you to take important objectives like Towers, Baron, and Dragon. To achieve this, consider split pushing and drawing the enemy team's attention while your team applies pressure elsewhere on the map. Additionally, you can also camp in the enemy jungle after clearing camps, which can give you some free kills.

If you're ahead in the game (you have 3 items with Rabadon's Deathcap), you can easily take Baron at 20 minutes by using your H-28Q Apex Turret to tank the hits and placing your H-28G Evolution Turrets to deal damage. You can duo it consistently, but soloing is pretty hard.

In team fights, use your CH-3X Lightning Grenade to focus on high-priority targets such as fed assassins, the enemy jungler, or the enemy ADC. This will increase your chances of taking objectives. Additionally, use your H-28G Evolution Turrets and H-28Q Apex Turret to peel for your teammates, protecting them from enemy attacks.

Late Game

In the late game, you should focus on objectives such as Towers, Baron, and Dragon. Your turrets deal high damage at this point and can easily take down these objectives. Try to split push and draw the enemy team's attention while your team applies pressure elsewhere on the map. Use your CH-3X Lightning Grenade to focus on a massive threat in team fights, and use your turrets to peel for your teammates. Teleport is a good choice for this stage of the game, as it allows you to quickly join fights and take objectives. Remember to use your abilities effectively and make the most from the UPGRADE!!! to secure victories in teamfights for your team.

In addition to focusing on objectives, you should also be aware of the enemy's movements and try to predict their next move. If they're pushing a lane, you can use your turrets to defend and hold them off. If they're trying to take an objective, you can use your abilities to disrupt their progress and make it more difficult for them to succeed.

[14.16] In-Depth Heimerdinger Guide [Mid/Top/Bot/Support] (2024)
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