Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

a a a a a a 1 16 Section 1A CHICAGO TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1970 CHICAGO UNITS GET U.S. FUNDS OF 10 MILLIONS: More than 10 million dollars in federal funds has been awarded to Chicago for summer programs including Head Start, the Neighborhood Youth corps, and anti-hunger programs, Mrs. Murrell Syler, executive director of the Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity, said yesterday. The largest grant of 8.7 million dollars from the labor department will be used for the Neighborhood Youth corps, she said. The money will provide 19,700 job training situations for disadvantaged high school age persons in government agencies and in public and private not-for-profit organizations.

Recruiting by 3 Groups Neighborhood Youth corps trainees, who will be paid $1.45 an hour during their work-study program, are recruited by the C. C. U. 0., the board of education, and the Catholic archdiocese. The next largest amount, $1,481,398, from the department of health, education, and welfare, will be used to expand the Project Head Start program from its present enrollment of 6,000 children to 14,200.

The program assists disadvantaged children between the ages of and 5 in preparing for kindergarten in regular schools. The funding also will provide day care for an additional 600 children and a camping experience for 500 children and their parents in July, Mrs. Syler said. 410 Classes Planned For the summer Head Start program, the C. C.

U. O. plans 410 classes at 77 sites. Participating in 3 this program, in the public and Catholic school addition to the C. c.

C. U. 0. and boards will be the North Side Cooperative Ministry and the North Park Covenant church. The third grant of $525,109, made to the C.

C. U. O. itself, will assist in the hunger program which has been operating since last April on money approved by the city council, said Mrs. Syler.

The federal grant will allow for funding of the program thru the end of the year, she said. STUDENTS HIT McNAMARA AS 'WAR CRIMINAL' BY ALICE SIEGERT of Bonn (Chicago Tribune Press Servicel BONN, June 19-More than 1,000 left-wing students of Heidelberg university today denounced Robert S. McNamara, president of the World bank former United States defense secretary, as a war criminal." The students hurled tiles, stink bombs, fireworks, and bags of paint at a hotel in the old university city, where McNamara and international development aid experts were meeting at a conference designed to further the cause of underdeveloped countries. Five policemen were seriously injured, a police spokesman said. Demonstrators threw tiles from the roofs of university buildings at 400 policemen ringing the conference hotel, while students on the ground wielded sticks and iron bars and hurled fireworks and stink bombs.

Police retaliated with nightsticks, tear gas, and streams of water. Student spokesmen said 10 students were beaten "ripe for hospitalization," and the student parliament charged police with "totally irresponsible terror." Other experts taking part in the talks included Lester Pearson, former Canadian prime minister, Jan Tinbergen, head of the United Nations development planning committee, J. E. Van Lennep, general secretary of the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and A. J.

Udink, Dutch development minister. (TRIBUNE Staff Photol Today's Flag United States flag flies at James J. Zientek American Legion Post No. 419 at 5156 S. Ashland av.

IDENTIFY LAST OF 6 KILLED IN EXPWY. CRASH Three Cars Involved in Fiery Smashup Blue Island state police yesterday tentatively identified Edward H. Baker, 59, of 102 Chanticleer lane, Hinsdale, and his wife as the two persons whose bodies were burned beyond recognition in a fiery three-car crash late Thursday. Four other persons also were killed. Police traced the Bakers thru license plates on their sports car.

The accident occurred in the Stevenson expressway at the Tri-State tollway junction. Others killed were the driver of a second car, Mario Trisoliere, 45, of 926 S. Oakley and his three passengers, Anthony Boggia, 43, of 1007 May Michael Carter, 44, of 1708 N. Pulaski and Pasqual Caputo, 41, of 336 46th Bellwood. Survivor Wore Seat Belt Police said the accident curred when Trisoliere's car, traveling northeast in the expressway, jumped a metal guardrail and collided with Baker's car, which was traveling southwest.

Baker's car then slammed into a car driven by the lone survivor, Charles A. Miller, 27, of 5233 S. Marshfield who was treated at La Grange Community hospital for a minor jaw injury and then released. Police said Miller was wearing a seat belt and the riders in Trisoliere's car were not. All three cars ended up in the southwest bound lanes.

Miller's car had been traveling behind Baker's. Police said the Trisoliere car left 186 feet of skid marks before jumping the guardrail and another 80 feet of skid marks after jumping the rail. Speed limit at the location is 65 miles an hour. Boy, 12, Dies of Injuries Phillip Anderson, 12, of 5259 N. Sawyer died yesterday in Swedish Covenant hospital of injuries suffered when he was struck by an auto Thursday and dragged 120 feet in front of his home.

Shakespeare district traffic police said the boy was running to catch a disk thrown by a playmate when he collided with a southbound car driven by Herman Schumaker, 58, of 9101 Crawford Skokie. Police said Schumaker tried. to stop the car, but hit accelerator instead of the brake. Schumaker was charged with failure to yield to a pedestrian in a roadway and negligent driving, police said, and is to appear Sept. 4 in Traffic court.

The boy's father, the Rev. James A. Anderson, is a minister of North Park Covenant church, 5250 N. Christiana av. Up to midnight Thursday, 231 persons had been 1 killed in traffic accidents in Cook county Dec.

31. Of those, 134 were in Chicago, where 18,470 persons were injured in the same period. GANG LEADER CHARGED WITH SUBURB KILLING An 18-year-old alleged leader of the Cicero Traveling Vice Lords street gang was charged with murder, attempted armed robbery, and aggravated battery yesterday in the slaying of the son of a Cicero police lieutenant. Robert Mengler, 23, of 1342 S. 57th Cicero, was shot in the mouth.

Arrested was Issac Adams, of 4670 West End who was identified by a woman witness to what apparently was a robbery attempt in front of 5010 Maypole av. Police are seeking a second suspect. Lt. Joseph Mahoney of Shakespeare homicide unit said Mengler was found slumped over in his car in front of the Maypole address in an area that has been the scene of several recent robberies. Police were called by residents who heard shots.

A suspect was seized day in the fatal shooting of William Thompson, 16, of 6759 Cornell while he was playing basketball on the grounds of a south side school. Police said Thompson, the third victim of gang killings in three days, was playing Thursday night at Parkside Elementary school, 6938 East End with five other youths when the gunman approached him. The gunman shouted the name of a gang, fired four shots in the air from a pistol, and then shot Thompson once in the abdomen at close range, police said. Police refused to release the suspect's name or give details of the arrest. He was being questioned by Burnside homicide detectives at the Grand Crossing district station.

SUSPECT HELD IN A SLAYING NEAR SCHOOL OBITUARIES Mrs. Bessie Kennedy Mass for Mrs. Bessie Kennedy, 88, of 1712 N. Nashville will be said at 10 a.m. Monday in St.

Giles Catholic church, 1045 N. Columbian Oak Park. Mrs. Kennedy, who died Thursday in her home, is survived by three sons, Thomas a vice president of Local Loan company; James, president of Trailer Dealer Publishcompany, 6229 N. Northwest and Joseph, a Chicago public school teacher; three daughters, Mrs.

Lorraine Alt, Mrs. Kay Coughlin, and Mrs. Helen Murphy; 17 grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren. James G. Wing Mass for James G.

Wing, executive vice president of Lake Shore National Bank, will be said at 9:30 a.m. today in St. Nicholas Catholic, church, Ridge Evanston. Mr. Wing, 63, of 414 Ashland Evanston, died Wednesday of an apparent heart attack while playing golf at Glen View club.

He joined the bank 43 years ago and was promoted thru the ranks until he reached his last position. Surviving are his widow, Ruth three sons, James Robert, and Richard; a daughter, Patricia; and 17 grandchildren. Walter B. Royse Services for Walter B. Royse, 79, formerly of 847 Judson Evanston, will be held at 1 Tuesday in the First United Methodist church in Rockville, Ind.

Mr. Royse, who moved to Rockville in April, died in his home there yesterday. He retired in 1956 as president of Crandall-Pierce company, Chicago business analysis firm, and later was in the auditing department of the Standard club. Surviving are his widow, Lucy; a son, Robert; three grandchildren; and two sisters. Leon J.

Katz Services for Leon J. Katz, 65, of 1000 Lake Shore plaza, president of Cambridge Coffee company, 1111 N. Halsted which he founded in 1941, will be held at 10 a. m. Monday in the chapel at 3019 Peterson av.

Mr. Katz died Thursday in St. Mary's hospital in Rochester, Minn. He was a director of the National Institutional Food Distributors associates. Surviving is one brother.

Find Conflict in Malkovich Job and Firm Tribune Wire Springfield, June 19-Dan Malkovich, acting conservation department director, appears to have had a conflict of interest between his state position and his job as editor and publisher of a downstate tourist magazine doing business with the state, according to a report issued today by the Illinois auditor general. The report, prepared by D. B. Thomas, acting auditor general, found that Malkovich's magazine received $413.22 from the state after April 10, 1969, when he became a state employe. Other Payments Listed Another $523.20 was paid to the firm, Outdoor magazine, from April resulted thru October, 1969, but from contracts existing before Malkovich took a filed state with post.

Sen. report, W. Russell Arrington chairman of the Legislative Audit commission, Thomas held that "some or all" of the transactions apparently "would be considered subject to conflict of interest." Offers to Repay State The auditor general's investigation of possible conflict of interest by Malkovich stems from charges made by the Better Government association. Malkovich has denied any intent to reap financial gain from his state job, and has said he will repay any state money received. He is expected to resign as soon as a qualified replacement is named, probably within a month.

SOTO KIN SUES CITY, POLICE FOR 3 MILLION Two suits asking 3.02 million dollars against the city and individual policemen were filed yesterday in Federal District court by Mrs. Marie Mitchell, aunt and administrator of the estates of the slain Soto brothers, of 2111 Lake st. One suit asks for $510,000 from the city and a million dollars in damages from Patrolman Robert Rahn, who fatally shot Michael Soto, 20, on Oct. 10, 1969. It charges Soto was shot without provocation in violation of his constitutional rights.

The other suit asks the same amounts and names Patrolman Thomas F. Nolan as having shot John Soto, 16, on Oct. 5, 1969, also without provocation. YOU'RE A FAT AMERICAN, SEE? You're obsessed with the world's troubles and your own. So you run to the nearest refrigerator.

And the results are visible all over your flabby body. On June 21 In the Chicago Tribune, Magazine, Ridgely Hunt explains this syndrome and how to stom if. 'TOP ACHIEVERS' INCLUDE 4 IN CHICAGO AREA Four Chicago area residents are among 57 to be honored next Saturday by the American Academy of Achievement as top achievers in the sciences, professions, industry, arts, and public service. They are Dr. Effie 0.

Ellis, special assistant for health services in the Chicago office of the American Medical associaItion, first black woman to become an A. M. A. executive; Dr. Lloyd S.

Michael, professor of education, Northwestern university; Albert A. Morey, chairman of the executive committee of Marlennan corporation, 231 S. La Salle and George Spatta, honorary chairman of the board, Clark Equipment company, Prudential plaza. Each will get one of the academy's 1970 golden plate awards at a banquet in Dallas. The academy is a nonprofit organization founded in Monterey, in 1961 to honor and inspire adults and youth "who give their best efforts to their daily tasks." Deaths Elsewhere Edward Bennett Cole, 59, brother of the late Nat King Cole, and a piano player and singer who teamed with his wife, Betty, in a night club act called the Two Hot Coles; of a heart attack; in Los Angeles.

Dr. Mary Clabaugh Wright, 52, a leading scholar of Chinese history and the first woman to be named a full professor at Yale university; spent almost all of World War II a Japanese prison camp; in Guilford, Conn. Wolfgang Martin, 71 musical director with opera companies in his native Germany before coming to the United States, and who appeared with companies in San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, and Los Angeles; in Los Angeles. Richard Todhunter, president of Barnes Tucker Coal company, Barnesboro, and former mayor of Barnesboro and president of the Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers association; of a heart attack while attending a coal operators meeting, in Pittsburgh. Charles C.

McElwain, 67, operator of the Vending service, Kewanee, since 1955 and before that operator of two trucking companies; in Kewanee. Thomas Clarence Ford, 77,: retired postal employe and father of Tennessee Ernie Ford, recording and television star; in Bristol, Tenn. Funeral Directors C. JORDAN CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 115 YEARS 221 East Erie SUperior 7-7709 JOHN CARROLL SONS 'HOME FOR FUNERALS' 25 E.

Erie WHitehall 4-6060 Cemeteries SACRIFICE Mausoleum space in Memory Gardens cemetery. Crypt 26 Last Supper Shrine, building A-1, east side, east Garden Sanctuary. Call collect for Mr. Cole or Mr. Longman between 10 a.

m. and noon on weekdays. code 3051. OAKRIDGE Cemetery 4 graves of 6-grave plot. Best section.

$300 each. Vi 8-5070 In Clarendon Hills-2 choice cemetery, lots. Lot No. 29b Block E. Spaces 1-2 in section near entrance.

$300 for both. Mrs. Carl Funk, Rt. 1. Box 480, Fontana, Wis.

4 GRAVE Lot-In Memory, Gardens, plot Eternal Light. Euclid Arlington. Hts. Write 10 Edna Schneider, 3819 Holiday Drive, Quincy, 111., 62301. BEAUT.

Westlawn, 6 choice lots, Gardenia sect. Nr. entrance, perpetual care. $1,200. 674-8959 RIDGEWOOD 12, lot 1976, graves.

$1,050. AV 3-4480 ACACIA PK-4 grave lots, choice loc. Asking $700. 685-7691 BEAUT. lots in Mt.

Emblem cem. -Nr. monument. $175 each. 763-1981 LOTS, Memory Gardens, $250 each for quick sale.

724-7489 after 6 P. m. BEAUTIFUL 17 GRAVE LOT Memorial Park, Evanston. will number divide 3, into 8 memorial and 9 section grave No. lots.

1. $235 each. 835-0490 after 6 m. RIDGEWOOD-2 lots Sec. 11, $450.

316, South Beloit, Illinois. 6 Cemetery Lots- Memorial Estates, $550 GE 8-6594 FOR SALE Beautiful grave lots in Memorial Park Cemetery Sacrifice. Phone 815-725-2863 GRAVE Cemetery -Elm Lawn morial Park. $50 off. Box 277, Twin Lakes.

Wis. 53181. MOUNT EMBLEM-5 grave lot, nr. monument. $900 complete.

EU 6-3589. In Memoriam Anders Ida M. Anders. In loving memory of my dear wife, who passed away two years ago today, June 20, 1968. She is gone, but not forgotten.

LONESOME HUSBAND, BILL Blansett George Blansett, June 20, 1961. In memory of my sweetheart husband, my love. LOVING WIFE BESSIE, SON JOHN, GRANDCHILDREN. LiVolsi Filippa LiVolsi on your birthday. Dear Mother, you went on beyond the gate and we cannot see you, but you are still with us.

And a mother like ours is more than a memory: she is living presence. YOUR CHILDREN Polito Sam Polito, June 20, 1960. Our hearts are very heavy, Our eves are filled with tears. Our home is very empty Since you left us, husband and father DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. Taglia Sam Taglia, June 20, 1968.

A silent, thought a secret tear Keeps his ever dear. "LOVING WIFE, ROSE We miss you more as years go by Our love and memory never die. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN Dedication Announcements Ruben A memorial in memory of Neal David Ruben Brucel will be dedicated Sunday, June 21, af p. Menorah Gardens, 17th avenue, four blocks south of Roosevelt road, Broadview, Ill. Stein A dedication of a monument in loving memory of Louis Stein, Sunday, June 21, at 2 p.

mar Memorial Park cemetery, Anshe-Emet section, Gross road. Lakovitz A monument will be dedicated in loving memory of Celia Lakovitz, Sunday, June 21, 11 Jewish Waldheim cemetery, 16th and Harlem, gate 200. Fleck Alco*ke See Margaret J. Linderborg notice. DEATH NOTICES Austin Norine Farley Austin, June 18, beloved wife of Fred loving sister of Lillian Farley, Marcella Merinbaum, and the sate James A.r Catherine Hector, Charles and Josephine Athans: fond aunt of seven nieces and nephews.

Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Donnellan Funeral Home, 10525 S. Western avenue, to St. Caietan's church, Mass 10 a. m.

Interment Holy Sepulchre. Member of Illinois Bell Telephone Pioneers. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Cancer society would be appreciated. BE 8-0075, Balto Vivian Balto, nee Mathew, beloved wife of Clement; dearest mother of Ruth and Thomas: fond daughter of Sophie and Bernard Matthew; daughter in law of Sophie Baltas. Funeral Monday, 9 from the Evans Funeral Home, 6845 S.

Western avenue, to Nativity B. V. M. church. Interment St.

Casimir's cemetery. RE 7-8600. Becvar Mary Becvar, nee Pesek, devoted wife of the late Frank; beloved mother of Carl William George and the late Frank late grandmother of 11; greatgrandmother of five: sister of the late Albert, Frank, John, Joseph Pesek, Anna Mackovitch, Rose Janovsky, and Christine Kopkowski. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Becvar Funeral Directors, 5218 S.

Kedzie avenue, to St. Gall church. Interment Resurrection. Liturgical wake service Sunday, 8 p. m.

PR 6- 3809. Beierlein Mary loved Beierlein, nee Mulatz, age 60, bewife of John; dear sister of the late Leo and Caroline Mulatz; fond aunt of Dian Mamath, Leo Mulatz, and Valerie Tarella. Funeral services Monday, 10:30 a. at Grein Funeral Directors, 2114 W. Irving Park road.

Interment private. JU 8-6336. Bender Mildred Ellen Bender, formerly of southeast Chicago, wife of the late Harry; mother of Harry Jr. of Hawaii, Betty Lou Quimby of Los Angeles, and Muriel B. Welsh of Memphis, grandmother of two; sister of Marie Flynn of Riverdale.

Visitation Sunday, p. m. to 10 p. at the Tews Funeral Home, 18230 Dixie highway, Homewood, Ill. Graveside services 10:30 a.

m. Monday at St. Mary's cemetery. SY 8-5300. Bentsen Arne G.

Bentsen, beloved husband of Gudrun; fond fathef or Ivar Marshall and Warren grandfather of three; brother of Borghild Omland of Norway 9 p. m. Saturday, and 3 to 5 and 7 to and the late Inga Olsen. Visitation 9 p. m.

Sunday, at Peterson Funeral Home, 6938 W. North avenue. Services Monday 1:30 p. m. Interment Elm Lawn.

637-4441. Boggia Anthony Boggia, loving husband of Patricia, nee DeLeo; dearest father of Rosemary, Anthony Maria, and Dominic; beloved son of Tony and Mary, nee Algieri; dear brother of Philomena Trisolieri, Margaret Lucente, Emily Rante, and Antoinette Cardamone. Funeral Monday, 8:15 a.m., from the Galewood Funeral Chapels, 1857 N. Harlem avenue, to Our Lady of Pompeii church. Mass 9:30 a.

m. Interment Mount Carmel. Please omit flowers. Visitation Saturday after 5:30 p.m. 889-1700.

Bohaboy See George Yukovich notice. Bossow John T. Bossow, age 62, beloved husband of Helen; devoted father of Robert and John T. fond brother of James, Earl, Wilbur, Elizabeth Wolf, and Anne Chaffin; grandfather of six. Funeral 9:30 a.

m. Monday, June 22, from Schmaedeke Funeral Home, 10701 S. Harlem avenue, Worth, to St. Bede church, Ingleside, Ill. Mass 11 a.

m. Interment Ascension. 448-6000. Bouzos See George Yurkovich notice. Canino Mary Canino, nee Frustaci, beloved wife of Sam and the late Frank Pullano; loving mother of Sam Pullano, Theresa Mendoza, James Pullano, Rose Saracco, Mary Nuzzo, and the late Anthony and Catherine Marzano; grandmother of 10; great-grandmother of 17; sister of Joseph Dardano, Barbara dola, and Rose Frustaci.

Funeral day, 8:45 a. from Michael Coletta Sons Funeral Home, 2600 S. Wentworth avenue, to Santa Lucia church. Mass at 9:30 a. m.

Please omit flowers. Interment Mount Carmel. 842-1861. Visitation after 5 p. m.

Saturday. Caputo Pasqual Caputo, devoted husband of Alice, nee Di Domenico; loving father of Pat, Linda, Diane, and Mark; beloved son of Carmen and Lena, nee Sommario; dear brother of Rosiland Montalbano and Annette Rubino. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Rosario D. Salerno's Sons Funeral Home, 6300 W.

North avenue, to St. John Chrysostom church. Entombment Queen of Heaven mausoleum. ME 7-0449 or ME 7-0450. Cardamone See Anthony Boggia notice.

Carter Michael F. Carter, suddenly, beloved son of Frank and Margaret Carter: fond father of Michael, Jeffery, Frank, and Robbe; dear brother of Cecelia Martin, Frances Carbone, Yolanda Arena, and James. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Columbian Funeral Home, 6621 W. North avenue, Oak Park, to St.

Philomena church. Mass 10 m. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, Janesville, Wis. Visitation begins Saturday after 7 p. m.

ES 9-5151 or Vi 8-3010. Cassell George A. Cassell, 65, of 624 Main street, Batavia, June 19, fond husband of Ruth: dear son of Mr. and Mrs. J.

Lewis Cassell. Services Monday, 2:30 p. at Yurs-Peterson Funeral Home, Batavia. Visitation after 2 p.m. Sunday.

879-7900. Creed See Margaret J. Linderborg notice. Corry Mary E. Corry, June 20, 1970, sister of Mildred Burns, Lillian Klenha, Vincent Burns, and the late Leo, Eugene, and Charles Burns, and Agnes Brennan.

neral from Lain and Son Chapel, 5501 N. Ashland avenue. Monday, June 22, at 9 a. to St. Thomas of Canterbury church.

Interment St. Joseph's. Visitation after 4 p. m. Saturday.

Cunningham Frank E. Cunningham, beloved son of the late John H. and Rosanna; loving brother of Loretta Houston, the late John Harry, Roy, Daniel, and James. Funeral Monday, 9 from the New Kenny Brothers, 3600 W. 95th street, to St.

Adrian's church. Mass 9:45 a. m. Interment Mount Olivet. 239-3600.

See Anthony Boggia notice. Di Domenico See Pasqual Caputo notice. DeLeo Dvorsky John A. Dvorsky, suddenly, beloved son of Joseph and Marguerite: dear brother of David, Joseph, Katrina, and Wendy: grandson of John and Mary Dvorsky and Charles and Gladys Keeler. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a.

from Geils Funeral Home, 180 S. York street, Bensenville, to St. Alexis church. Mass 10 a. m.

Interment St. Michael the Archangel. Palatine. Visitation Saturday, to 10 p. and Sunday, 2 to 10 p.

m. 766-3232. Eschenbacher Helen M. Eschenbacher, nee Fox, of Chicago, beloved wife of the late John A. Eschenbacher: fond mother of Mrs.

John H. Tipton of Philadelphia: also four grandchildren; loving sister of Mrs. Ceil Du Cine of Los Angeles and Joseph J. Fox. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a.

from Fitzgerald Franklin FUneral Home, 1571 Maple avenue, Evanston, to St. Nicholas church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment Calvary cemetery.

Visitation 2 to 10 p. m. Sunday. UN 9-2900. Falbo Anthony beloved, husband of Carmella; dear father of Angela Hammond; grandfather of three; brother of Josephine Morrone.

Funeral Monday, 8:30 d. m. from Columbian Funeral Home, 6621 W. North avenue. Mass 9:30 m.

at St. Leonard church, Berwyn. tombment Queen of Heaven. Please omit flowers. ES 9-5151 or VI 8-3010.

Feege Le Roy B. Feege, beloved husband of the late Florence, nee Wolf: loving father of Eleanore Day: six children; brother of the late Walter, William, Lillian Krueger. and Harry. Services Monday, p. at John V.

May Funeral Home, 4553-61 Milwaukee avenue, Interment, Acacia Park. Member of Community lodge, No. 1005, A. F. A.

M. Ferraro Frank age father of three: loving son of Dominick and Rose: dear brother of Josephine Graves, Russell. and Rosemary. Memorial mass Saturday, June 20, 11 a. af St.

Francis Borgia church. Louise H. Fleck, nee Hagemann, fond wife of the late John; loving mother of Margaret Franicich and Walter Fleck; devoted grandmother of three. Visitation after 6 P. m.

Saturday, at Frank M. Foran Funeral Home, 7300 W. 55th street avenue, two blocks west of Summit. Service Monday, 10:30 a. m.

Interment Montrose. 458-0208. Franceschini Gino Franceschini, beloved husband Rose, nee Riccomi: dear brother of Fred, William of Bellville, 11., Harry of Addison, 111., the late Ida Mitchell. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Casey-Laskowski Funeral Home, 4540 W.

Diverse avenue to Assumption church. Mass 10 a. m. Entombment Queen of Heaven mausoleum. Please omit flowers.

777-6300 Franicich See Louise H. Fleck notice. Foster George Elmer Foster of Forest Park. man; devoted loving husband father of of Minnie, George nee W. Hart: ter and Dorothy grandfather of Shirley Pagni, Larry, and Gary Foster; brother of Jessie Diebold and Ralph Foster.

Funeral Monday, 1:30 p. at Zimmerman Son Funeral Home, 7319 Madison street, Forest Park. Interment Mount Emblem. Member of Telephone Pioneers of America. 366-2200.

Griffin John Griffin of Des Plaines, native of Glantrasna, County Galway, Ireland, beloved husband of Julia, nee Connolly; loving father of John, Kathleen, Michael, Maureen, and the late Barbara; fond son of the late Stephen and Mary; dear brother of Peter and Thomas of Ireland, Martin of England, Mary, Kitty, Ellen, and the late Patrick, all of Boston, Mass. Visitation after 7 p.m. Saturday at Oehler Funeral Home, Lee at Perry street, Des Plaines. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a.m., from chapel to St. Stephen church.

Mass 10 a. m. Interment All Saints. 824-5155. Ham William L.

Ham, age 51, of Glenwood, beloved husband of Mildred, nee Harris; dear father of William, Joseph, and Sandra Chase; fond grandfather of four: brother of Louise LeBeque. Funeral services: 1:30 p.m. Monday, at Trinity Lutheran church, Roselle. Burlal Chapel Hill Gardens West. Visitation 2 to 10 p.m.

Sunday, at Martin Richert Funeral Home, 333 S. Roselle road, Roselle. 529-5751. Hanus Katherine Hanus, nee Mulvey, beloved wife of the late Edward; beloved sister of Elizabeth McGurn, Cecelia Leyendecker, the late Anna Passow and Mae Buckley. Funeral Monday, June 22, at 9 a.

from Kruse-Goettert Funeral Home, 2130-32 W. 21st street, to St. Paul church. Mass 9:30 a. m.

Interment Mount Carmel. Visitation after 7 p. m. Saturday, Vi 7-7758. Harney Stella R.

Harney, beloved mother of Evelyn Wolff and Irene Wodarski; dear aunt of Father Mel O. S. fond grandmother of six; great-grandmother of 10. Funeral Monday, June 2, at 9:30 a. m.

from the Klemundt Funeral Home, 3315 Irving Park road, to Immaculate Heart. of Mary church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment Memorial Park cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, masses preferred. 478-1212. Hnatovic John S. Hnatovic, beloved husband of Edna Hnatovic, nee Ulmenstein; dear stepfather of Grace Johnson; fond grandfather of six; great-grandfather of seven; dear brother of Anna Sobinec, Mary Kovarik, Tony Hnatovic, and the late Angeline Pavlik. Funeral Monday, 10 a.

at the Blake-Lamb Chapel, 4727 W. 103d street, Oak Lawn. Interment Mount Greenwood cemetery. For transportation information call 636-1193 or 735-4242. Hoh Henrietta F.

Hoh, nee Lambke, beloved wife of Simon loving mother of Lois and Edward Hoh; fond daughter of Mary Lambke; sister of Margaret Linker, Herman, Michael, Bernard, Edwin, Ehlert, and Robert Lambke, the late Mary Henry, William, Charles, and Anthony Lambke. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Zimmerman and Son Funeral Home, 7319 Madison street, Forest Park, to St. Bernardine church. Mass 10 a.

m. Interment St. Mary cemetery. Masses appreciated. Visitation after p.

m. Saturday. 366-2200. Hoffmann Dorothy J. Hoffmann of Oak Park, beloved wife of the late Maxim; fond mother of Maxine Raine, Geraldine Hoffmann; sister of Rynerson, Mabel and Jones, Celeste Spiess, and Celeste Malin; grandmother of Nancy and Jane Raine.

Services Monday, June 22, 10 a. at Parkwyn Funeral Home, 6901 W. Roosevelt road. Interment Chapel Hill Gardens West. Visitation 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.

m. 788-0904. Jack J. Huff of Cross Lake, Antioch, 111., beloved husband of Ellen, nee Lundegard; fond father of Evelyn Cameron and Florence McDonald; grandfather of two: great -grandfather of one. Funeral 10 a.

m. Monday at Strang Funeral Home, Antioch. Interment Liberty cemetery. Visitation after 2 p. m.

Sunday. Information, 395-4000. Indovina Nick Indovina, devoted husband of Lillian, nee Conjardy: loving father of Sam dear grandfather of Michele and Cynthia: fond brother of Joseph Abenanti, Nancy Naso, Joseph "Shogga" Abenanti, Salvatore Indovina, and the late Mary Ferrari and Lena Virgilio. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Rosario D.

Salerno's Sons Funeral Home, 6300 W. North avenue, to St. Rosalie church. Entombment Queen of Heaven mausoleum. ME 7-0449 or ME 7-0450.

Jacobsen Stanley C. Jacobsen, beloved husband of Constance: dear father of Betty; brother of Nina Zwebell. Resting at the Lawrence Funeral Home, 4800 N. Austin avenue, where services will be held Monday, 11 a. m.

Interment All Saints' cemetery. Visitation Sunday 2 to 10 p.m. PE 6-2300. Jirsa Joseph V. Jirsa, late of Chicago, beloved husband of Agnes, nee Just: dear father of Joseph E.

and Donald L. Jirsa; brother of Antoinette Manak; grandfather of six. Services Monday, at p. at H. Marik Sons, 6507 W.

Cermak road. Entombment Bohemian National cemetery. Please donate to, Cancer 4-6310 or Bi Foundation 2-3255. in lieu fo flowers. Jorstad Richard G.

Jorstad, beloved husband of Betty, nee Adams; dear father of Jennifer and Thomas; fond brother of Mariorie Martin, Dortha Davis, and Geraldine Reese. Services Monday, p. at Smith Funeral Home, 6150 N. Cicero avenue. Interment Acacia Park.

In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Heart fund would be appreciated. Visitation after 6 P. m. Saturday. 736-3833.

Joyce Bernadine Joyce, nee Schlever, beloved wife of Edward Joyce: loving mother of Brother Charles Joyce, C. F. Kathleen Cella, and Frances Joyce; dear grandmother of Mike, Tom, and Peggy Cella; dearly beloved daughter of Schlever: sister of Anna Bonke, Eleanore Salotti, Michael and John Schlever, Margaret Pauls, and Lorraine Mueliner. Funeral Monday, 9:15 a. from Blake-Lamb Funeral Home, 4727 103d street, Oak Lawn.

to St. Margaret of Scotland church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. For transportation information, call 636-1193 or 735-4242.

Kacirek Alice E. Kacirek of Berwyn, beloved daughter of the late John and Katherine Kacirek: devoted sister of Betty Baley and Joseph Kacirek: fond aunt LaVergne Lang; great -aunt of Scott, Craig, and Alison Lang. neral Monday, June 22, 9 a. from Svec and Sons Funeral Home, 6227 W. Cermak road, to St.

Odilo church. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment Queen of Heaven. Member of Lady La Fayette council, No.

313, R. L. GU 4-2050 or Bi 2-2027. Kaner Kenneth G. Kaner, CPD, suddenly, beloved husband Pauline, nee Vacco: dearest father of Kimberly and Kurt: dear son of Anna Kaner and the late Guy Kaner: fond brother of Mary Dolores Sweeney and Donald Kaner; dear son-in-law of Paul and Mary Vacco; many nieces and nephews.

Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Wolniak Funeral Home, 5700 S. Pulaski road, to St. Turibius church. Interment St.

Mary cemetery. Member of St. Jude Police league. Visitation after 5 p. m.

Saturday. PO 7-4500. Katz Leon Jarvis Katz, beloved brother of Joe and the late Toby James Fogel; dearest son of the late Jacob and Lena Katz. Services Monday, 10 at Original Weinstein and Sons Chapel, 3019 W. Peterson.

Interment O. K. O. J. of "National Institutional 0,0 discemetery, Waldheim.

Member and director tributors member of Sports lodge. B'nal B'rith: Covenant club of lilinois; Chicago Loop, synagogue, and Near North B'nal B'rith. Chapel visitation Sunday 7 to 10 p. m. LO 1-1890.

Kennedy Bessie Kennedy, nee O'Brien, beloved wife of the late James; fond mother of Thomas Joseph. Lorraine Alt. Kay Coughlin, Helen Murphy, and James: grandmother of 17; great-grandmother of three. Visitation after 4 p. m.

Saturday at Conboy Funeral Home, 6150 W. North avenue. Funeral 9:30 a. m. Monday, 10 St.

Giles church. Mass 10 m. Interment Queen of Heaven. Native of New Castle West, County Limerick, Ireland. 237-1134.

Kleberg William G. Kieberg, June 19, 1970, beloved husband of Dorothea, nee Fieroh: fond brother of Bernice Hanson and Arthur Kleberg. Funeral Monday. June 22, p. at Brown Funeral Home.

13820 Lincoln avenue. Dolton. Interment Chapel Hill Gardens South. 849-5450. Kleinfelder Elizabeth Kleinfelder, nee Mayer, of Elmhurst, formerly Chicago, beloved of Catherine Delaney, Peter wife of the late Peters, fond aunt Rauth, Anthony Mayer, Peter Arthur Mayer, Helen Foster, and the late Nick Mayer: sister of the Katherine Rauth and the late William Mayer.

Funeral Monday, June 22, at 9:30 a. from the Ahlgrim and Sons Funeral Home, 567 S. Spring road, Elmhurst, to Visitation church. Mass at 10 a. m.

Visitation after 7 p. m. Saturday, Interment St. Joseph. 834-3515.

Kostopulos William Kostopulos, beloved husband Angeline, nee Bouzos; fond father of Gus and Frances Balluff: devoted grandfather of six. Funeral Saturday 12:30 p. from the Columbian Funeral Home, 6621 W. North avenue, Oak Park. Services 1:30 p.

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox church. Interment Elmwood cemetery. Please omit flowers. ES 9-5151 or Vi 8-3010. Kotwica Adam Kotwica, beloved husband of Lottie, nee Grendzinski; loving father of John Anchor, Stanley, Edwin Helen Sliniak, Chester and Irene Wimunc; grandfather of 17.

Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Malec and Sons Funeral Home, 834-38 N. Ashland avenue, to Holy Innocents church. Interment St. Joseph's.

421-5800. Krock Ella Krock, June 18, 1970, beloved wife of Felix dear mother of Dr. Felix A. grandmother of Andrew, Jennifer, and Leslie Krock; fond sister of Stanley Werdell. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a.m., from Nelson Funeral Home, 820 Talcott road, at Cumberland, Park Ridge, to Mary Seat of Wisdom church.

Mass 10 a.m. Interment St. Adalbert. In lieu of flowers, memorials to American Cancer society appreciated. Visitation after 2 p.

m. Saturday. 823-5122. Kunzmann Casper Kunzmann, beloved husband Louise Kunzmann; loving father of George Raymond Mildred Strzezewski, and Myrtle Welch; loving grandfather of 20; great-grandfather of 24. Member of Washington council, K.

of C. Resting at Bormann Funeral Home, 618 N. 16th avenue, Melrose Park, one block north of Lake street. Mass Monday, June 22, 10 a. at Sacred Heart church.

Visitation after 5:30 p. m. Saturday, Please omit flowers, masses appreciated. 344-0714. 344-0714.

Kusek Joseph J. Kusek, beloved husband of Eugenia, nee Tepper; dearest father of Leona Czarnecki and Joseph dear son of the late John and Catherine Kusek; grandfather of Brenda and Steven; fond brother of Wanda late Budz, Stanley Elizabeth Marnik, Lillian Brazinski, Stella Gorecki, and the late Walter uncle of many nieces and nephews. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Kozera Funeral Home, 1718 W. 48th street, to St.

Joseph church. Interment Resurrection cemetery. 927-3388. Lambert Bertha L. Lambert, nee Warren, beloved wife of David J.

loving mother of Shirley Ritt, David Jr. Howard Thomas' and Kenneth dear sister of Charles and Edward Warren; grandmother of 17. Services Monday, 11 a. at Diversey Funeral Home. 3601-05 W.

Diversey avenue. Interment Elm Lawn. Visitation after 4 p. m. Saturday, AL 2-6424 or Di 2-1700.

Lampe Benedict J. Lampe of 516 Dodge avenue, Evanston, beloved husband of Margaret Lampe; fond brother of Alphonse of Colorado, Arnold of Arkansas, Lewis of Joliet, Harold of Missouri, Mrs. Edward Jung, and Leo Lampe of Oklahoma. Funeral Saturday, 12 noon, from Fitzgerald Franklin Funeral Home, 1571 Maple avenue, Evanston, to St. Nicholas church.

Mass 12:30 p. m. Interment All Saints' cemetery, Visitation 2 1o 10 p. m. Friday.

869-2900. Linderborg Margaret J. Linderborg, nee Creed, beloved wife of the late Karl; dear mother of Margaret E. Alco*ke, Jean Weprin, the late Carl J. and George grandmother of four; fond sister of Nora Butusov, Mary Behringer, Theresa Neeb, the late James and Dennis.

Funeral Monday, 8:30 a. from Beukema Funeral Home, 10456 S. Western avenue, to St. Ethelreda church. Mass 9 a.

m. Inferment Holy Sepulchre. BE 8-2144. Visitation after 5 p. m.

Saturday. Huff Long John C. Long, beloved husband of Margaret, nee Foley; dear father of Philip John Robert David Virginia Haggerty, and Mary Jo Ryan; grandfather of 14. to St. Luke church, River Forest.

Mass Hursen Chapel, 5911 W. Madison street, Funeral Saturday, 9:30 from 10 a. m. Interment Queen of Heaven. Lucente See Anthony Boggia notice.

Luecht Evelyn G. Luecht, nee Ugland, beloved wife of Raymond loving mother of Raymond A. Jr. James Carol M. Shedor, William B.

Barbara J. Stanchus, Marian and Ann Marie Neary; grandmother of 19; dear sister of Harold, Orion, and Marian Koehler. Funeral services Saturday, 1 p. at the Mcinerney Funeral Home, 46th place and Wallace street. Interment Monday, Elording cemetery, Sheridan, 111.

BO 8-0703. Marlewski Casimir Marlewski, beloved husband of Catherine, nee Oleiarz: loving father of Robert Victoria Effert, and John; fond brother of Eleanore Frost, Bessie Marcoski, Joe, Al. and Ted Marlewski; devoted grandfather of Kathleen, Buddy, and Kimberley. Funeral Monday, June 22, at 9:30 a. m.

from Woiciechowski Funeral Home, 2129 W. Webster avenue, Hedwig church. Interment St. Adalbert's. AR 6-4630.

Martin Anna R. Veseley Martin, beloved wife of the late Michael Martin; devoted mother of Richard, Sister Ellen Rita. O. Joseph. Michael, John, and the Rev.

William J. Cartin; dear grandmother of 16; fond sister of Joseph Vesley. Visitation after 3 p. m. Saturday.

Funeral Monday, 9:15 a. from the Sheehy Funeral Home, 10727 S. Pulaski road, to St. Thomas More church. Mass 10 a.

m. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Member of Third Order of St. Dominic.

Please omit flowers. Liturgical wake service Sunday, 8:30 p. m. ST 3-7700. McDermott Mary McDermott, beloved wife of the late John J.

McDermott; loving mother of John J. Jr. of Phoenix, and Robert W. McDermott: fond sister of Charles Floersch, the late Anna Kloman, Albertina Slavin, and Joseph Floersch. Funeral Monday, June 22, 9:30 a.

from Sullivan Funeral Home, 2701 W. 63d street, at Washtenaw avenue, to St. Rita church. Visitation after 7 p. m.

Interment St. Mary's cemetery. PR 6-8300. McDonald Mary McGarry McDonald, beloved wife of Michael Merrill McDonald; loving mother of Thomas, Eileen McElligott, Dolores Hoholik, Michael, and Jack McDonald; grandmother of 17; fond sister of Ellen McGarry and the late Sarah Becklin, Kathleen Sell, and John McGarry. Visitation after 3 p.

m. Saturday. Funeral Monday, 9:15 a. from the Sheehy Funeral Home, 10727 S. Pulaski road, to Queen of Martyrs church.

Mass 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Member of Daughters of belle and Salvador circle, No. 9.

Former past regent. ST 3-7700. Mengler Robert James Mengler of Cicero, 111., father of Robert, John, and James; dear son of Robert and Phyllis; brother of Barbara Lansbrecht and Clarence ler. Services Monday, 9:30 a. at Cermak Home for Funerals, 5844 W.

Cermak road, to St. Frances of Rome church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment family lot.

Please omit flowers. OL 2-0243. Merrill Helen Miller Merrill at Wichita, formerly of Elmhurst, 111., wife of the late Ray beloved mother of Mrs. Alvin L. Graybill and Meiba E.

Merrill of Wichita; also survived by four sisters: and one brother. At the Pedersen-Ryberg Mortuary, 435 N. York street, Elmhurst, where friends may call Sunday, 3 to p. and where services will be held p. m.

Interment Elm Lawn. Information, 834-1133. Mohaupt Angela, Mohaupt, nee Hellmuth, beloved wife of William: loving mother of gard Niemann; dear sister of Anna MacCament: fond grandmother of June, Billy, and Kathy. Funeral Monday, June 22, 9:30 a. from the Schielka Funeral Home, 7710 W.

Addison street, to St. Francis Borgia church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment St.

Joseph. Visitation after 2 p. m. Saturday. NA 5-3444.

Neely Mary E. Neely, June 18, 1970. beloved wife of the late Albert E. Neely: dear mother of Mary Liddle and Thomas E. Neely: grandmother of Mary S.

Liddie, Lawrence Heather and David H. Neely; dear sister of Edward Rose Tibbits, and Viola Wilcox. Lain Son Chapel, 2121 W. 95th street. Sunday, June 21, from 2 p.

m. 10. 7 p. m. Services and interment private.

lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to favorite charity. Nelson Nelson. daughter of the late Beatrice, loving sister of Meadows and Georgina Latall: dear aunt of Georgia, Leese. Jane Meadows, SK3 Jeff USN: great aunt of Stephanie and Karen Leese: most beloved and dearest friend of Hope, Snyder. At Mee Ramme Funeral Home: 3918 Irving Park road.

Visitation starting Saturday. m. Funeral service Monday. 1 P. in.

Interment Acacia Park. 1R 8-0038. Nelson Arthur E. Nelson, beloved husband of Ruth; devoted father of Gordon K. and Donald A.

five grandchildren: loving son of Emma and the late Nels Nelson; fond brother of Amy K.J, and Walter N. Nelson, and the late Ethel Hult. Services Saturday, June 20, p. at Edgar Funeral Home, 10900 S. Cicero avenue.

Entombment Oak Hill. Member of King Oscar lodge, No. 855, A. A. M.

Scottish Rite bodies -Valley of Chicago; Medinah Temple. Jackson Park post, No. 555, A. and Swedish Historical society. Past president of South Side Swedish club.

in lieu of flowers, memorials to Svithiod Nursing home preferred. tion after 3 p. m. Friday. 723-0876 or 423-1600.

Novak Therese H. Novak, beloved wife of Joseph kowski, dear sister of Helen MarMarie Mitchett, Lawrence, Elizabeth, and the late Thomas and Theodore; nieces and nephews. Funeral Saturday, June 20, at 3:30 a. from the Klemundt Funeral Home, 3315 Irvina Park Mary road, church. 10.

Immaculate Heart of St. Adalbert cemetery. 478-1212. m. a.

Interment Oetting George H. Oetting, beloved husband of of Marion nee Chambers; devoted father L. George D. Oetting, Hulama, and Judith M. Nancy Robert Bunata; loving son of Laura brother and the late Herman Oetting: grandfather of the late Herman G.

Oetting: of six. Visitation at Berwyn Berwyn, Home, Saturday 2921 after S. Harlem avenue, Funeral services 3 p. m. Funeral Monday, June 22, 1970, 1:30 p.

Riverside, at 111. Riverside Presbyterian church, Interment Oakridge cemetery. urban Member of Theodore M. Vail SubElder of Chapter No. 1, P.

P. of A. and Riverside Presbyterian church. In side lieu of flowers, memorials to RiverHeart Presbyterian church or Chicago Association appreciated. O'Hanley Neil J.

O'Hanley on June 17, 1970, age 92, father husband of the late Ann Pendergast; Louis, Dr. Allan M. and Mary the late Coleman, Margaret Shaughnessy, Joseph grandfather of 16. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from the chapel, 2100 W.

95th ment Hoyne, to St. Ethelreda church. Interstreet, at Holy Sepulchre. PR 9-3535. O'Sullivan Eileen Morrissey O'Sullivan, beloved wife of John T.

CFD: loving P. mother of Joan Orseske CFDI. T. Gary Jol O'Sullivan, and John Theresa daughter of the late John and Morrissey; fond sister of Lt. John mother J.

of three. Morrissey, CPD; grandVisitation after 3:30 p. m. Saturday. Funeral Monday, 8:45 a.

from the Sheehy Funeral 10727 S. Pulaski road, to St. Home, Catherine of Alexandria church. Mass 9:30 a. m.

Interment St. Mary's ST 3-7700. cemetery. Passarello Mimi D. Passarello entered at into rest San Jose, June 17, loved daughter of Mr.

Ignazio be1970, of Nancy San Jose; loving sister of Mary Passarello and and Passarello, both of San Jose, Carmella Sparacino and Jasper law sarello, both of Chicago; dear sister-inof Mario Sparacino of Chicago. A urday, native of June Chicago, age 41. Funeral Satfrom Lima, Salmon Erickson a. Cathedral 20, 1970, af 8:30 Chapel. 710 Willow street, San Jose, Cal.

Pullano Mary Canino notice. Rante See Anthony Boggia notice. Riccomi See Gino Franceschini notice. Rogers Harley C. Rogers of Downers Grove, husband of Mary: father of Ann Kirchhoff; brother of Walter Leo and Everett; grandfather of three.

Service at First Methodist church chapel, Sunday, June 21, 2 p. m. Visitation at time of service. 968-0408. Sausa Santa nee Dagostaro, beloved wife of Anthony; fond mother of Theresa Muffoletto, Sandy Lazzari, and Connie Parato.

Funeral Monday, 9:15 a. from Columbian Funeral Home, 6621 W. North avenue to Our Lady Help of Christians church. 9-5151 Entombment Queen of Heaven. ES or Vi 8-3010.

Sargent See George Yurkovich notice. Schleyer Bernadine Joyce notice. Schnitta Maria Schnitta, nee Krivsky, loving iel wife of Daniel fond mother of DanJr. Edward Emily Pancoska; grandmother and Bessie grandmother of two; sister of seven; Theresa greatof Krivska and Rudolph Krivsky in CzechFuneral oslovakia. Home.

Resting 6616 at George Schubert Services Monday, June W. 22, Cermak 1970, road. 1:30 p. m. Information Entombment Woodlawn cemetery.

ST 8-1092. Sommers Margaret V. Sommers, nee Bluhm, beof loved wife of George loving mother Mervyn K. fond sister of Matilda Kuper; grandmother of two. Funeral services Monday, 10:45 a.m..

at Mount 111th Greenwood Funeral Home, 3032 W. street. Interment Forest Home cemetery. Hi 5-3400. Sortino Mary Sortino of Northlake, wife of the late Joseph: loving mother of Josephine Divincenzo, Frank Thomas and Marvin Sortino: grandmother of nine: great-grandmother of five; sister of Natalie Giaimo and Angeline Milazzo.

Funeral Monday, 8:30 a. from Suburban Funeral Home, 301 S. Fifth avenue, Maywood, to St. Bernardine church. Mass 9 a.

m. Entombment Queen of Heaven. In lieu of flowers, masses appreciated. Visitation after p. m.

Saturday. Fi 4-0100. Stanley William M. Stanley, beloved husband Florence; dear father of Virginia of Johnson; fond grandfather of Jean. At Williams-Kampp Son Funeral Home, 12.

Lake street, Oak Park, after 6 p. m. Friday. Services Saturday, 1:30 p. under auspices of Cornerstone lodge, No.

875, A. F. A. M. Interment Forest Home.

287-0017. Taube John W. Taube, beloved husband of the late Agnes dear father of Mildred Bergstrom, Dorothy Koukol, and John grandfather of 10; brother of William. Resting at Matz Funeral Home, 3440 N. Central avenue, until 10 p.

m. Sunday. Lying in state at Messiah Lutheran church, Melvina and Patterson avenues, from 10 a. m. Monday, June 22, until time of services, 11 a.

m. Entombment Memorial Estates. Visitation after 6 p. m. Saturday.

Trisolieri See Anthony Boggia notice. Vlazny Evelyn Collins Vlazny, beloved wife of Arthur fond mother of Francis C. (Shirley) Vlazny; dear grandmother of Arthur. Peter, and Robert: loving daughter of the late William and Hattie Collins. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a.

from Kerrigan Funeral Home, 5516 S. Ashland avenue, to Visitation church. Mass 10 a. Interment Resurrection. Member of Visitation Blessed Sacrament society.

Please omit flowers. Visitation after 2 p. m. Saturday. Information, 776-0031.

Wagar Robert E. Wagar, devoted father of Kitty O'Brien and Jack Wagar: fond grandfather of three: dear brother of Flossie Hensley. Monday, 11 a. at Thompson Funeral Home, 5570 W. 95th street.

Interment Beverly. Visitation Sunday, 3 to 10 p. m. 425-0500. Wargo Florence V.

Wargo, June 17, 1970, devoted wife of Anthony E. Wargo; loving mother of Yolanda Gerard, Sandra Quinian, Jonathan, and Valery Wargo; dear sister of Alice Line. Funeral 10 a. m. Saturday, from Lain and Son Chapel, 5501 N.

Ashland avenue, 10 St. Margaret Mary church. Mass at 10:30 a. m. Interment Calvary.

Liturgical wake service Friday, 8 P. m. Westerman Fred A. Westerman of Berkeley, formerly, of Chicago, beloved husband of the late Margaret nee Waldron: loving father of Rita Mall and Fred dear grandfather of two. Visitation after p.

m. Saturday. Funeral Monday, 10 a. from Hennessy Funeral Home, Oak avenue, Berkeley, to St. Domitilla, church for mass at 10:30 a.

m. Interment Mount Carmel cemetery. 544-0100. Wodarski See Stella R. Harney Wolff See Stella R.

Harney notice. Yurkovich George Yurkovich, age 88 years, beloved husband of the late Matilda, nee Yurkovich: devoted father of Alice Bohaboy, Katherine Sargent, John J. George J. and the late. Peter Yurkovich: grandfather of 10; great-grandfather of three.

Funeral Monday, June 22, 1970, at 9 a. from Berwyn Funeral Home, 2921 S. Harlem avenue, Berwyn, to Holy Trinity Croatian church, 1850 S. Throop street, Chicago, for requiem mass at 10 a. m.

Interment St. Mary. Member of SS. Peter and Paul lodge. No.

34, C. C. and St. Ivan court, No. 1377, C.

O. F. Visitation Saturday after 2 p.m. Zimmer Lloyd C. Zimmer of Lyons, beloved husband of Blanche.

nee Nicoloff: dear father of Steve and Patricia Neubauer; fond brother and brother-In-law of Betty Leo George and Grace Sperlingt loving, grandfather of five: son-in-law of Anna Nicoloff. Funeral Monday, June 22, at 8:45 a. from the Joseph Nosek and Sons Funeral Home, 6716-18 W. to St. 16th Plus street corner of Euclid, Berwyn, church.

Stickney. Mass 9:30 4. m. Interment family lot. Visitation after 3 p.

m. Saturday..

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.