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Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album
"Rëvëürt" album (CD Digifile) with notebook poster (12p).
Artwork by Laurent Lunoir.
Includes unlimited streaming of Rëvëürt (Heart's Revolt) via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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Classic black t-shirt with white Rëvëürt logo.
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T-Shirt/Shirt + Digital Album
T-shirt with the white Rëvëürt logo and the Rëvëürt album CD Digifile.
Includes unlimited streaming of Rëvëürt (Heart's Revolt) via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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€20 EUR or more
Öxxö Xööx "Rëvëürt" Ultra-limited Blue/Black Smashed Color Swirl 2xLP
Record/Vinyl + Digital Album
* 180-gram+ Black/Blue Smashed Color Swirl 2xLP.
* Mastered specifically for vinyl from the high-resolution original mixes by Igorrr.
* Artwork and layout created by Öxxö Xööx himself.
Includes unlimited streaming of Rëvëürt (Heart's Revolt) via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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Öxxö Xööx "Rëvëürt" Ultra-limited Black 2xLP
Record/Vinyl + Digital Album
* 180-gram+ Black 2xLP.
* Mastered specifically for vinyl from the high-resolution original mixes by Igorrr.
* Artwork and layout created by Öxxö Xööx himself.
Includes unlimited streaming of Rëvëürt (Heart's Revolt) via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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Ägörth (The Agony on Earth) 10:51
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-TÄË PÄRÏÖN TÄË SÖRÏ ÄPÄRTÄË YÜM Ä ÜRTÏ MÏ LÖV ÄË Ü DËÄ MËÄ-My Love, I'm sorry for having wanted to come here-MËLÄNCÖLÏÜN ÜNTÄË ÜNDÏ SÄË ÜR TÄË ÜNDÄË ÜR VÏTÏ LÖV ÜR ÜNDÄTÏ ÄGÖRTH LÏNÏ ÜNDÄË-MelancholyIt is as if I had forgotten everything but remembered it allThis reality plunges us into a strange experience-ÄÏ ÄÏ ÜN SÄN FÜR FÄRÜNDÏ ÜNPÄÏÖN VÜNTÏ ÖN-Earth seems to absorb the blood of wars-TÄË TÄË LÏ ÄRTÏ CÄNDÖLËÏ ËÏ ËNDÄË FÄLÏNDÄR SÄË TÄRÏN SËÄ PÄRÄDÄ ÏN DÏTÏ-It is a chaotic gameA deception-RÏÜNDÄ RÏÜNDÄË RÏ DÜNTÄË-This dualistic Earth engenders in me a profound rebellion-ÜNTÄÏ ÜLÏ MÏ SÄË ÜNTÄÏ ÜLÏ Ï CRÏ FÜR Ü ÜNTÄÏ ÜLÏ Ï CRÏ TÄË ÜNTÄÏ ÜLÏ ÜNTÄ Ï ÜNTÄË-I cry for all of usThe earthly experience is sadWe are fruits rotting more or less quickly-ÜNTÄË Ü ÜNDÄTÏ ÜNTÄ ÜRÏ Ü TÄË ÜNTÄË Ü ÜNDÄTÏ ÜCÖ Ü VÏRÏ-We are agonizing in a partially dark reality-ÜNTÏ ÜR SÖRÏÄ ÖN SÏLÄNCÏÄ KÖN VÏTÏ Ö TÄË-I am like a silent soldier of Life-TÄË ÜNDÏ Ö LÏNÏ ÜNTÏ DÏLÏVRÏÜN TÄË ÜNDÏ-On Earth, everything is both happiness and sufferingI will release this fragment of Light trapped in this body-Ö ÜNTÏ Ö RÏVÏ ÜNDÏ ÜNDÏ RÏVÏ Ä RÏVÏ ÜNTÏ-My light braves the darkness that surrounds me-ÖBÏ RÏVÏ SË ÜNTÏ ÖBÏ RÏVÏ BÏCË ÜNTÏ KÖNDÏSË BÏCË ÜNDÏ-My path is guided by my inner sunImprisoned in the belly of this abusive motherI let myself be carried by the breath of intuitionIn my beautiful depthsA fire that does not consume-YÜM TÜ MÏ TÄË ÄÏ Ü LËÏSÄ ÜNTÖ ÄÏ Ü LËÏVÏ ÜNDÄ-Here, life devours LifeIt is a revolting picture-ÜNDÄTÄ YÜM ÜNDÄTÄ YÜMÄ SÄVÜR TÄË-We must correct our mistakesStarting by taking care of those smaller than us
Tërëä (Stuck on Earth) 09:40
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-TËRËÄ-We are kept on EarthMagnetic-NÖT YÜMDÜRT TÄË TËRËÄ SÄË RÏÜNDÏ GÜNT MÏ TËRÄ-To be here, pollution is inevitableCut me down like you do with wildlife and floraI am a Celestial plant-NÖT YÜMDÜRT SÄË MÏ LÏ SÄË YÜMDÜRT YÜM MÏ TËRËÄ-To be here, one must destroy, like a viper devouring its own tail-YÜM Ä RÏSÄ ÜNTÄË ÜNSÄË -Humanity seems desensitized to deathManifesting an apparent indifference-TÜRÏ SÖLÏTÏÜD DÄRKË TÏ SÖLÏTÏÜD TËRËÄ SÖRVÏ TËRÏ-We face loneliness-SÖLÏTÏÜDÏ VÏSÄTÏÜ LÄÏRÄ SÖLÏTÏÜDÏ VÄRÏNSÄN TÏÜDÏ-L'âme à tiers Ignoring the Truth-TËRËÄ MÄR M'TÏ-It is suffocating, far from pleasant-SÜNDÄË RÏÜNDÏ CÖÏÜNDÏ-Intimate sunConcrete reality ?-FÜR SÄË RÜNDÏ TÜNDÜ RÏÜNDÄTÏ-Connected to black holesWhy ?-FÜNDËR ÜSÜ DÜDÜ YÜM DÜDÜ RÏÜNDÄTÏ-A force hostile to LoveEvilAnti-Light-FÖ Ä ÜRÏ-It is a realm of deception, where falsehood reigns as the master-DÜTÄLÜN DÄLÏ ÜRÏ FÄLÜSÄTÜN TÄLÜRÏN TÄË-Manipulation, generating unpleasant experiencesAn experience of evilA multitude of programsChaos cannot breed stabilityWho is in control ?DataHackingAre we real ?Programs or mere androids ?We must delve deep into our mindsListen to our souls and their echoes-FÄLÏSÏ ÜRÏ FÄLÏSÏ DÄLÜN DÄLÜN DÄLÜNDÄTÏ FÄLÏÜNDÏ FÄLÏÜNDÏCÏ-HeavinessIf earthly creatures are shaped from the earth, there must be a reason-FÄLÜSÄ ÜTÄ ÜRÏ SÄNDÄTÏ ÜRÏ SÄNDÄTÄ Ü SÄNDÄTÄ-There must exist a cursed allianceA higher force that directs our steps-FÄRÏÄ SÄTÄ CÖ Ï ÜNDÄTÏ CÖ Ï ÜNDÄTÏ FÜNDÄTÄ ÜNDÄ-Be strong !For fearless souls, the impossible becomes possible-YÜM ÜNDÜLÏ FÜR ÜTÄ ÜNDÜLÏ FÜR RÏ ÜNDÜRÏ DÖRÏ ÜNDÄTÏ-We must remain resilient while staying sensitiveWe are alive, we represent LifeA rebellion is underwayAgainst bestiality-ÜNDÜTÄYÄ FÜR SÄË ÜNDÄË FÜR YÄ DÜNTÄ YÄ ÏLÄ YÜMDÄ-Cries emerge from an alternative humanityWho are perceived as unpleasant screaming by those who are closed to the flamboyance of the LightTo the true Light, a symbol of freedom-ÜNDÄËTÜN FÜ ÏLÏ LÜN DÄLÜN DÄLÜNDÄTÏ CÜNDÄYÄ FÜ ÏLÜN DÏLÏ-Here, the exploration of disharmony is undertaken-YÜM CÖR CÖR RÏ SÜNDÄLÏ YÜM CÖR CÖR CÖR RÜ SÜNDÄLÏ-Interrupted breathingHearts plunged into darknessInner solar flame stolen-FÜRÏSÜN DÄRÏ DÄRÏ SÜN DÄRÏ DÄRÏ SÜN DÄRÏ-EruptionConfrontationReconnection
Ämä (Difficult Love) 06:25
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COME INTO MY HEART, I'M GIVING TO YOU THE KEY OF MY DARK CASTLEENTER BY THE BIG DOOR, MY LOVE, BELIEVE IN ME-ÜNLÏVÏR ÜNTÏ ÏLÏ Ö ÜLÏ ÏLÏ ÜNDÏ-I wandered in the darkness-ÜNDÜLÏ FÜRÏSÜN DÏRÏ SÜN TÄYÄ ÜNDÄ YÄ ÜNDÏ ÄYÄ FÜR SÄË-I call upon your sunMy mind resonates in a piercing cry in this strange reality-ÜNDÄË Ü FÜ ÄYÄ ÜDÄ FÜR ÜR SÄË-My mind rumbles behind this absurd mask I must wear-LÏBËRTÄ MÏ ËÜRT FÏRË-I want to unleash all this fire within me, for you-TÄË ÏLÏ LÜN SÄË ÏLÏ CÜN TÄ ÏLÏ LÄÏ LÄFÏ-Earth, Moon, I feel like my place is not here-MÏ ËÜRT DÏSÄ ÜRÏ Ä ÜRÏ CÜRÏ ÜNTÏ-It is as if I am sick, malfunctioningI can not love the way I shouldI endlessly seek answersAll I know is that none of this suits me-ÜNDÜ LÏVÏR ÜNTÄ ÏLÏ LÜN FÜR TÄË LÏ LÜN Ö LÏBËRSÄË-Does the Moon exert its influence on Earth ?How do we stop playing this unhealthy game ?Perhaps it is just a senseless farceMy thoughts converge toward the SourceWhich I observe within me like a wonderful luminous treeImploring its help-MÏ FÜRÏ MÏ MÏ DÖLÖRÄ MÏ LÄË FÜ ÜR LÄË LÄ ÜR SÄË Ö ÜRÏ FÜ ÜRÏ CÜNDÜRÏ ÏLÏ ÜNDÏ Ö ÜR SÄË-My anger consumes me from withinThis world is descending into madness-FÜR DÖRÏ SÄLÜR CÜNDÜ SÖ DÜNTÖ SÜNDÜ SÖLÜ RÜNDÖ-But after the storm comes fair weather-TÖR ËNTÖR-Multiversal law-FÜR ÜNDÜLÏ FÜR DÜLÏ LÏLÄË CÜR SÄË FÜR TÄË ÜNDÜLÏ-Perhaps our presence here serves to provide Life with new dataLet us overcome the challengesLet us support each other on this journey-FÏ FÏ FÏ FÏ FÏT FÏ FÏ FÏT-Let us engage in the fight against the evil within usAnd love one another as we love ourselves
Ctënöphörä (Flamboyant Ctenophore) 12:54
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-CÜNDÖ RÏSÄË DÏNSÄË ÜNDÄ ÜRÏ CÖÏ ÜNDÄRÏ-Exhausted, I need a moment of respiteI withdraw to hide, to isolate myselfFrom this world, I must detach-MÏ ËÜRT ÜRTÄ ÜNTÄ CÖ ÜNDÏ-I have endured a thousand crueltiesA void has hollowed within meBut I still want to help others-MÏMÄË ÜNDÄTÏ FÜR ÜNDÄTÄ-In search of healingBelow, in my inner world, chrysalis I continue my transformation-ÜNTÄ ÏRÏN SÜN FÜR SÜN TÜ Ï SÜN TÜRÜN DÄRÜN DÄRÏ-My sun slightly palesIts beating resounds like a heartI chase my torrent of roses within my imagination-Ä ÜRÏ YÜMTÄ YÜMTÄ ÜNDÏ FÜRÏ ÜNTÄ YÜMDÄ-I struggle to preserve the integrity of my childlike soul-Ä Ü RÜNDÄ SÄË MÄR SÜTCHÄË FÜR RÜNDÄ Ü TÜVÏ-I am rebuilding myself gradually-Ä YÜMÄ SÜTCHÄË YÜMÄ RÜNDÄ ÜNDÄTÏ-Alive, perceiving myself as a part of the whole-ÄÜÄ ÜVÏ Ä ÜRÏ ÜNDÄ-Now that I am here, I am trying to take care of others-KÄ LÄLÄLÄLÄ LÏÜNDÄ LÄ LÄ LÏÜNDÄ LÄ LÄ LÏÜNDÄ-But I should not share my treasures with just anyone-LÏ LÏ Ä LÄ LÏ Ä LÄ LÄ LÏ Ä LÄ-HereSelfishnessLiesAll of this exhausts me-ÜNDÜ ÏLÏS ÜNDÜLÏ ÏLÏS ÜNDÜLÏ ÜNDÜLÏS-I let my imagination light my pathI rise back to the surface-ÜNTÄ ÏLÏ CÜN TÄ ÏLÏ SÜN FÜR ÏLÜNDÏLÏ SÄË FÜRÏ ÜNDÏ-I have let go of that absurd anger, which I left to the demonsI delved within to find my sunIt was in a sorry state, now it burns with fervor-CÖ ÏLÏ RÜNTÄË ÏLÏ SÜN FÜR ÏLÜNDÏLÏ SÄË MÏ ËÜRT SÄÏR-Everything has been renewed, my inner sun and my heart-RËVËÜRT-Heart's revolt-BÄBÏLÜN DÄË YÜ’ÜNDÄTÏ-Babylon defiles our humanity-ÜRÏ CÖSÄ ÜRÏ Ä CÖSTÄË ÜNDÄ-This reality was created to corrupt itselfWe trap ourselves in it, chaining ourselvesBecoming addicted to it, like addicts-TÄË FÜRÏ CÖSTÄË ÜNDÏ ÄË YÜMDÄ YÜMDÄ-Over time, our beauty tarnishes-ÄYÄ ÜNDÄ ÄYÄ ÜNDÄ ÜRÏ ÜNDÄ ÄYÄ ÜNDÄ-We struggle to understand each other-ÜNTÖ LÏDÏ YÜM SÄË YÜM DÄË YÜM LËFÜ YÜM LÄ YÜM DÄË-We have forgotten that we are a part of a whole-ÜTÄ LËÏ ÜR TÄË FÜR LÄNDÄ FÜR LÄNDÄË SÜ YÜMÄ-The purpose of Earth is not to be a paradise-ÜNDÄ LËÄ FÜR SÄ ÜRÏ ÜNDÄ Ü FÜR Ü ÜLÏ LÄNDÄ SÜDJÏ-Here, everything is warIt is just a simple experiment-Ü FÜ ÜLÏ SÄN LÄNDÄ LÄNDÄTÏ Ö LÄË ËLËÏ ÜNDÏ LÜNDÄTÏ-Living beings go through difficult trialsBut perhaps it is what they asked to live-CÖ ÜLÏ CÖ Ï ÜNDÏ CÖ ÏLÏ SÖ ÏLÏ SÜDJÏ-We suffer, chained-ÜNDÄ LËÄ SÜ FÜ ÜRÏ Ö YÜM-I remove my mask and defy this warring worldLike a bold and flamboyant ctenophore child-ÏNTÖ LÏÜM SÄË SÄË Ï ÜNDÄTÏ VÏ TÄË RÏ TÄË SÄË-IlluminationIn this dualistic Earth, intuition lights the mind-SÄN SÄË ÜN RÜN SÄË Ï SÄ ÜDÏ YÜM SÄË ÜNDÄTÏ-These invisible chains hold us herePrisoners in this flesh-ÜTÄ Ï ÜNDÖRÏ MÄ ÏÜN SÄTÄ ÏÜN LÄNDÄ SÜDJÜTÏ-We have all been contaminated by evil-YÜM ÜR TÄË ÜNTÖ ÜRË ÜNDÖ MÏ LÄË ÜNDÄTÏ LÄNDÄ-Flamboyant ctenophore with an eternal soulI tear myself away from this dark ocean-MÏ ËÜRT MÏ SÄË MÏ TÄË CRÏ ÜNDÄTÏ-My heart, my mind, my star, constantly weep-FÜR YÜM FÜR ÄMÄ FÜR LÏNÏ VÖÏCÏS MÏ LÄË-For the love of humanityFor loveFor the Eternal Tree of LifeHere is my life
Yüm (Yum Man) 09:11
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-YÜM YÜM DÄË TÄË RÏ-Look, a feast of human beingsTo kill for sustenance, it is simple-TÄ ÜRÏ ÜTÄ YÜM GRÖD SÖ ÖRDË SÄ ÜTÄ YÜM GRÖD YÜM DÄË-Dear fragile creatures, we prefer humans for their delicious flavorAll sorts of humans are going to be used-YÜM DÄË YÜM YÜM DÄË-Taste the human !Yum yumSavor their flesh !-DÄDÄLÏÜN DÄTÄ TCHÜC DÄTÄ YÜM BÄC BÄ YÜM TCHÜC BÄ YÜM BÄ YÄ DËÄ TCHÜC DÄDÄ YÜM-Dismemberment, stunningFlat on your backFaced with resistance, a decisive blow is necessaryMovement, protest, criesCrushed, stunned, neutralizedHuman becomes a banquet-BÄ YÜM BÄYË-If his agitation is too intense, put an end to his existence-YÄ FÜCH ÜNDÏ YÄ CÖRÜN SÜTCH TÖRÏ YÄ ÜNDÜRÜ FÖYÖRÏ -The cries of pain resound, roasted, burnt, steamed, his screams offer themselves as a delight-LÄ ÜNSÏ ÜNFÜ ÜRÏ-At the table !An appetizing world-DÄ VÜRTÏ FÜ ÜLÏ ÜNDÄ ÏLÏ FÜR TÄË FÜRÏ ÜLÏ YÜM DÄË-He fell into a comaMadness reaches its peakAn infernal prisonExtreme predationHumanity undergoes exploitation-FÜRÏ RÜNDÄË ÏLÏ LÄNDÄ FÜRÏ ÏN MÏ ËÜRT ÜNDÏ CÜNDÜLÏ BÄRBÄRÏÜN ÄNÏMÄL-Predation hides within each of usThey watch us, openly mockingBarbarity towards animals-GRÄCË -Grace-ÜRÏ SÜTCH ÜRÏ FÜRÏ Ä YÜM DÄË DÜNTÖ-Is it so good to eat human beings ?This nature compels us to be predators-SÜTCH ÜRÏ ÜNDÄ FÖ Ü TÖ ÜLÖ-Half-hell, nature devours itselfHypocritesCruel mirror-FÜR ÜNDÄTÏ-Will this persist forever ?-YÜMDÄ ÜRÏ SÜN TÜVÏ-Are there two types of humanity ?Regardless, we are all predators here-SÄN LÏN TÖRÏ SÄN LÏN TÖRÏ YÜM-All of this results from our deplorable choices-KÄLÜN TÖRÏ SÄLÏN TÖRÏ KÏRÄN DËÄ YÜM DÄË-Humanity exploits animals and plantsSo humanity is exploitedReflection, karma, it is a fair return of things-ÜRÏ ÜNDÄ YÜM DÄË-Semi-Infernal under-reality where humanity is exploited-YÜM SÄNTÄ TÖVÏ SÄNTÄ YÜM TÄË-Humanity is unaware of a superintelligent manipulation-YÜM YÜM KÖRÜM DÄË SÄNTÄ KÖRÜM DÄË-On Earth, death always prevails-YÜMDÄ YÜMDÄ YÜM DÄË-Humans suffer and die because they have chosen to kill
Nöc säë (The Dark spirit) 09:18
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-SÄË MÏ SÄË ÜMTÏ Ï DÄË TÄË ÜDÄ ÜRÏ-A cold penetrates deep within me-Ï SÄË MÏ SÄË ÜMTÏ Ï DÄË-I realize that everything has an end here-TÄLÏ FÜR ÜR YÜM TÜ ÜNDÏ YÜMÄ MÏ ËÜRT SÄÏR ÜNDÄTÏ-Within us, a malevolent virus lurksThe original humanity seems so distant to meMy heart is shrouded in a lingering painWhat a punishment to go through this experience-MÏ LÜMÏNÄRË DÏSPÄRÄT ÏN MÏ LÄË YÜMÄ-Sometimes I am afraid that the Light will leave meMy family, you are far from me-MÏ LÄË DÏVÏR DÄRKÄË MÏ ËÜRT SÄÏR Ï MÏ LÄË DÄË-My soul is tainted by darknessMy heart is black-ÏN TÄË NÖ FÏRË ÏN MÏ Ï DÄË MÏ LÏNÏ ËLP MÏ-The fire within me fadesI do not understand why we all have to dieEternal tree of life, illuminate my understanding-FÜR YÜM YÜM TÄË ÜNDÄË ÜNDÄË ÜNTÄ TÜ TÄË ÜNDÖLÖRÄ-False eternityMatter is tainted light-FÜR YÜM YÜM TÄË ÜNDÄË ÜNDÄË Ö NÖC SÄË-The Earth devours itselfMy mind darkens while observing this horror-SÜNDÜ LÏ DÜNTÄ LÏ CÜNDÄ LÄË CÜDÄTÄ-Destructive liesAbhorrent liesDeceptive souls are steeped in evil-CÜNDÄ LËÏ ÜNDÄTÏ LÄNDÄ SÜDJÜTÏ-False paradise where everyone endures torments-YÜMDÄ RÄN SÄ ÜTÄ ELODIE YÜMDÄ SÄ YÜMDÄ ËLÖ DÄË-Little sister, the human being must battle their malevolent thoughts-YÜMDÄ TÄ YÜMDÄ ELODIE SÜN DÄ RÏNDÜTÏ-Little sisterOur souls are made of lightWe are not Earthlings-Ö MA SŒUR NÖC SÄË-Little sister, my mind has darkened-Ä ÜRDÄ MÏ SÖRÖ Ä ÜRDÄ MÏ TÄË ÜRÏ-I have so many scarsI feel like there is no hope-Ä ÜRDÄ ÜRÄ SÜDJÜTÏ ÜNDÄË-We hurt each other hereI apologize-DÄ ÜNTÄË ÜNDÄE NÖC SÄË SÄTÄ-These are the tears of my winterI stay for you
Lïnï (The Eternal Tree of Life) 08:56
-CÖÏÜNDÏ-I stand at your listeningI perceive your gentle voice, silent, fresh, and bright, within me deeply-ÜNTÄ ÏRÏTÏ FÜR TÜNDÜLÏ ÜNDÏ Ö LÏNÏ CÜNTÄ ÜRÏ Ü TÄË Ö ÜRÏ-The darkness annoys meGod is too often neglectedWe turn to Him when the shadow darkens our stepsAsk, and you shall receive-ÜNDÜ ÜRÏ FÜR ÜRÏ CÜNDÄRÄ ÜRÏ Ö LÏNÏ-Let us not forget to be guided by His voiceO mighty Eternal Tree of LifeYour assistance is crucialProtect us from evil, I implore you-Ö MÏ ËÜRT ÜNTÄÏ ÜLÏ MÏ TÜR LÏNÏ LÏR FÜR DÜNTÄ ÜRÏ ÜNDÄË-Oh God, my chest is filled with painI am exhausted by this reality-FÜR ÜR ÄYÄ SÄË FÜNDÄ TÄË CÖ ÜRÏ LÖV ÜR Ö TÜNDÜRÏ DÄË FÜRÏ TÜNDÜRÏ-Children of the stars, that is what we areMy love enduresBut the inner storms are many-TÄÏLÏ FÜRÏ CÖ ÜTÏ ÜNDÏ FÜRÜS ÜNTÄ Ü ÜNDÄTÏ FÜR TÜNDÜRÜ-I am suffocating hereSince our departure, our home must be less bright-ÜNTÏ Ö FÜRÏ CÜN DÜRÏ DÜLÄË FÜRÏ ÏN TÄË-We cling to the Earth, struggling to possess its shreds-CÜNDÜTÜN DÜRÏ DÜLÄË FÜRÏ MÏ ËÜRT-This violence wounds my heartIt is not a reality that was created to be a paradiseSince the murders are permanent there-SÜDÜRÜ DÜRÏ DÜLÄË ËDËN LÄNDÄË-The rebellion of my heart purifies the light of my soul-MÏ RËVËÜRT CÜNDÏ DÜLÄË MÏ SÄÏR-Help me not to let my anger cool me down-FÜNDÜRÜ FÜRÏ SÏ CÜNDÜRÏ CÜNDÜRÏ DÜRÏ-Melancholic moonNumb sunI struggle against the coldWarm me, my Love-FÜR Ü SÜN RÏ Ü LÜN CÜNDÜRÜ FÜN DÜRÏ DÜ SÜN-Our spirits cry out to the higher ether-TÜRÜ FÜRÜTÜ CÜNDÜRÜ SÄË DÄ RÏÄDÄRÏ-Regenerating passion-CÜNTÜ RÄDÄTÏ FÜNDÜRÜ SÄË RÏLÏN-Our essence distorts upon contact with the earth-LÏ TÄRÜN DÜLÏDÜ SÄË-There is a lie about our natureOur minds are powerful-LÄ RËVËÜRT-Heart's revolt-FÄRÜN DÜLÏDÜ SÄË TÄRÄ DÜRÜN TÄ FÜR-They have captured our souls-ÜNDÜLÏ LÄ Ü RÜ CÜNDÜLÏ LÄ Ü SÏ MÏ MÏLÏ LÄNDÄ FÏRË-World of madmen, in order not to die of cold, we burn others-RÏÜNTÄ ÏLÏ CÜNDÏ ÜNDÜLÏ Ü FÜNDÜLÏ CÜNDÜLÏ Ü FÏRË LÄNDÄ-In this prisonI preserve my innocenceI protect my secrets-ÜTÄ ÏLÏ LÜN Ü SÄË DÏ LÜN DÏ LÄ Ï ÜVÏ-Black bileCleansingLunar creatures hide in our minds-ÏN TÄË LÏBËRTÄ-Let us free ourselves from the earthly cult-ÜNDÜLÏ DÜ FÏRË ÄÏ ÜVÏ ÜTÏ CÜNDÜLÏ LÄNDÄ ÜRÏ MÏ DÏLÏ Ä ÜRÏ-The goal of this game is to rebel against this illusory paradise-ÜNDÜRÜ DÏ LÄË ÜNDÜRÜ SÏ ÜRÏ CÜNDÜRÜ LÄNDÄ ÜRÏ CÜNDÜRÜ SÄ ÜRÏ-The soul must rediscover its true natureLet us break through mental barriers to see the naked reality-LÏBËRTÄ Ü TÜNDÜ RÏ ÜR SÄË TÄË NÖC SÄË RËVËÜRT-Let us free ourselves from the EarthHeart's revolt
Dör (At the Gates of Another Reality) 01:35
Sülï (The Luminous Darkness) 08:46
-MÏ MÏND Ï RÏ FÜNDÄ RÏ ÜNDÄTÏ ÜNDÄ ÏLÏ FÜNDÄ ÏLÏ-Gently, my consciousness rises within this golden prisonAn unbearable reality for the one who harbors a vibrant heart-CÜTÄ ÜLÏ FÜDÄ ÏLÏ ÜNDÜLÏ MÏ MÏND ÜNDÜRÏ-It looks like an institution for tormented souls-ÜNDÜ ÏLÏ FÜ ÜR TÜR SÄTÄ ÜLÏ VÜN TÜ ÏLÏ SÜLÏ-I have explored the abyssesLike a curious gargoyle, a ctenophore, a phoenixNow, I want to ascend towards supraluminous, negentropic realities-ÜNDÜLÏ DÏRÏÜN DÏLÏ ÜNTÏ VÜRÏ-I see a glimmer within the darknessA fallen rebel, in a strange and unexpected way, reveals the truth-ÜNDÜLÏ DÏ TÜN DÏ TË VÜRTÏ SÜLÏ-His role is to draw us into the darknessYet, a deep aversion towards this function inhabits him-VÏ CÖ ÜLÏ ÜVÏ ÜNDÜLÏ ÜNFÜ VÏTÏ-Against evil, our rebellion is necessary-ÜNDÜLÏ Ü FÜRÏ ÏLÏ CÖNDÜSÜ Ü VÏRÏ-He would have been condemned because his hatred would have engulfed our light-DÄË Ï ÜLÏ VÖÏ ÖRÏ ÜLÏ CÖÏÜNDÏ FOREVER-From loathsome entrailsRises a powerful voice from the abyss-Ä Ï TÄRVÏ ÜR ÏN LÏBËRTÄ MÏ TÄË LÄË MÖR Ï RËGRËT-I am sorry for thisOur souls trapped by pieces of earthYour regained freedom will finally offer me mine-ÜNFÜRÏ SÄNDÜLÏ DÏ SÜNDÄTÏ MÏ LÏBËRTÄ MÏ FÜNDÄTÏ LÄNDÄ Ö Ï ÜVÏ-Here, every day is the sameHow I wish to regain my innocence-GÜD Ï ÜNDÄ SÜNDÄTÏ MÏ DÏ LÜN LÏ ÜNDË-I have placed the lies in the MoonCursed planet that, with time, tries to transform us into monsters-ÜNTÄ FÜNTÄË MÏ VÖÏ-Dance of the imaginaryThat helps us detach from this hypocritical world-ÜNDÜLÏÄ DÏLÏSÏ ÜNDÜLÏ MÏ LÏBËRTÄË CÖ RÏ ÜRÏ FÖ ÜRÏ Ä ÜRÏ-Strange civilizationBeautiful abstract worldLuminous darkness-LÄ ÜRÏ SÏ ÜNDÄRÄ LÄNDÄ CÜNTÏ SÜLÏ-Planet where peace is impossibleHow to regain our freedom ?Our anger distances us from the Light-ÜRTÄ FÜNTÄË MÏ LÏBËRTÄ MÏ FÜRÏ DÏLÏ ÏLÏ Ü SÏ-Reuse-TÖVÏ ÜTÄ ÜVÏ MÏ LÏVÏR ÜNDÏ-Repugnant reincarnationRelearning to love is our purpose-FÜNDÄ RÏLÏN CÜNDÖ RÏ ÜN SË LÏ FÜRÏ ÜNTÄ LÖR SÖ ÜRÏ-None shall be set free until love has blossomed within us all-ÜNTÄ VÏRÏ SÄNSHÄË MÏ MÏND Ï ÜDÏ MÏ ËÜRT SÄÏR ÜNDÄTÏ MÏ SÜLÏTÏÜD-Luminous darknessInfernal creatures will find peace in the Light one day-SÜLÏ ÜTÄ ÜVÏ ÖLÏ ÜNTÄ ÏLÏ-I want to move away from this icy hell-MÏ ÜVÏ CÜNDÜLÏ ÜNTÄ ÏLÏ-At the depths of my tormented soul-MÏ ÜVÏ CÖ ÜNDÏ LÖV ÜR-My goal, relearn to love you-NÖ ÏLÏ CÖ ÜVÏ ÜNDÄË VÏRÏ-We will be released from prisonAnd life will regain its eternity
Öxxö Xööx = 69 (0110 = 6 1001 = 9 in binary-coded decimal).
Turning the 6 into 9.
Öxxö Xööx is both Laurent Lunoir's personal project and his artist name.
The albums are structured into different parts.
"Rëvëürt" and "Nämïdäë" make up the first part, while "Ÿ" and "+" form the next duology.
1_-_Rëvëürt (Heart's Revolt) [2011]
2_-_Nämïdäë (The Last Tears) [2015]
3_°_Ÿ (Cube) [2019]
4_°_+ (The Opening of the Hypercube) [RELEASE: September 9th, 2024]
5 -
6 -
789 -
Öxxö Xööx (Laurent Lunoir): music, lyrics, male vocals, visuals
Rïcïnn (Laure Le Prunenec): female vocals
Isarnos (Thomas Jacquelin): drums
LABEL: LÏNÏ MUSIC (France): www.lïnï
Öxxö Xööx's Lexicon (Öx)
Ä : with/ unite/ and/ by
ÄBŸM : damage
ÄË : the/ several/ and/ to/ those
ÄFÜ : these
ÄGÖRTH : agony on Earth
ÄGRÄ : agriculture
ÄÏ : grief/ painful/ thorn
ÄJ : age/ century
ÄLMÖ : almost/ soon/ algorithm
ÄLW : androids love water
ÄMÄ : around/ fascinate/ border/ fusion/ heap/ love/ adaptation/ attract/ mix/ maintain/ attempt/ magnetic
ÄNÄ : queen/ a kiss/ mother
ÄNÏ : produce/ pass/ advance/ circulate/ through/ passage/ circle/ reproduce/ loop
ÄNÏMÄL : animal
ÄPÄRTÄË : belong/ their/ them
ÄRKÜNGËLÜS : archangel
ÄRNÏ : comfortable
ÄRTÏ : stupidity/ vulgar
ÄRVÏ : elastic
ÄT : wait
ÄÜÄ : fusion with nature/ approach
ÄYÄ : scream/ roar/ sob
BÄ : struggle/ move/ animate/ function/ articulate
BÄBÏLÜN : Babylon
BÄC : return/ rehabilitate
BÄRBÄRÏÜN : barbarism
BÄYË : kill
BÏ : bubble/ chimera
BÏCË : wind/ odor
BÏÖSÏS : symbiosis
BÏÖVÄ : bioavailable
BRËK : break/ chance/ bend/ erode/ bite
BRÜ : fog/ near/ contact
CÄNDÖLËÏ : conduct/ lead/ attack
CËKT : sect
CÏNL : caterpillar
CÖ : link/ child/ chain/ hang/ seize/ belong/ relation/ seed
CÖNDÜSÜ : abscess/ atrophy
CÖÏ : wish/ demand/ necessary/ essential
CÖÏÜNDÏ : speak/ manifest/ vociferate/ influence/ assert/ muse/ communicate/ radiate
CÖRÏ : dive/ jump
CÖRÜN : grill
CÖR : heart
CÖSÄ : against/ opposition/ enemy
CÖSTÄË : destruction/ corruption/ damage/ decay/ filter
CRÏ : cry
CTËNÖPHÖRÄ : ctenophore
CÜDÄTÄ : autolysis/ autonomous
CÜN : fear/ foolishness/ garbage/ threat
CÜNDÄ : sick/ cowardly/ unhealthy
CÜNDÄRÄ : abandon
CÜNDÄYÄ : negative energy/ exhaust/ tire/ be fed up/ weariness
CÜNDËÏS : wink
CÜNDÖ : protect/ hide/ lose/ ensure/ sign/ symbol/ mark/ code
CÜNDÏ : care/ prepare/ feed/ pierce
CÜNDÜ : negative/ less/ no/ decrease/ hard/ effort/ terrible/ minus/ ground
CÜNDÜÏLÏ : captive/ absurd prison/ monastery/ close/ impassable
CÜNDÜLÏ : winter/ foolishness/ idiocy/ absurd/ incoherent/ aberration
CÜNDÜRÏ : paralyze/ seek/ help/ serve/ deserve/ profitable
CÜNDÜRÜ : mental barrier/ psychological/ pawn
CÜNDÜTÜN : atrophy/ family/ parent
CÜNTÄ : sink/ negligence
CÜNTÏ : illogical
CÜNTÜ : solution/ passion/ message/ response
CÜR : learn/ educate/ school/ science/ demonstration/ course
CÜRÏ : cure/ heal/ repair/ amend
CÜTÄ : treat
DÄ : extinguish/ tear/ coma/ end/ finally/ late
DÄË : last/ die/ operate/ ugly/ destroy/ eat/ dissipate/ kill/ repugnant/ devour/ entropy/ ungrateful
DÄËMÖTÏÖN : demonic dimension/ shaman
DÄDÄ : thing/ example/ food/ something/ exercise
DÄDÄLÏÜN : dismember/ devolution
DÄDÄÜN : somewhere
DÄLÄ : suffer/ torment/ exhaustion/ endure
DÄLËÏTH : tear of fire
DÄLÏ : separate/ divide/ half/ cut/ share/ scratch/ quarantine/ constriction
DÄLÜN : black moon
DÄLÜNDÄTÏ : ancestral black moon
DÄRÏ : reconnection/ connection/ recover/ together/ interconnect/ ally/ team/ correspondence
DÄRKÄË : black tear/ black
DÄRKË : dark/ carbon
DÄRÜN : pink/ listen
DÄTÄ : sometimes/ action/ year/ time/ duration/ period
DË : several/ of
DËÄ : trample/ crush/ fall/ weak/ low
DËÏ : God
DËMÖN : demon/ demonic/ deva/ djinn/ archon
DHÜ : two/ each/ between/ hybrid/ beach/ binary/ both
DÏ : transform/ unlearn/ abolish/ forgive/ return/ initiation
DÏË : die/ perishable
DÏLÏ : skin/ tear/ failure/ fallen/ outcast/ disconnection/ frustration/ rain
DÏLÏR : reject/ soil/ push/ expiration/ denial/ forbid/ cough
DÏLÏË : exclude/ annoy/ insufferable
DÏLÏVRÏÜN : rescue
DÏLÏSÏ : delicious/ friendship/ invitation
DÏMËNTÄ : dimension
DÏNSÄË : collect
DÏRÏ : implore/ applicant
DÏRÏÜN : rebel/ rebellion/ hero
DÏSÄ : speak/ expression/ order/ ask/ definition/ invocation/ expansion/ language/ accent
DÏSKLÜZ : revelation/ discipline
DÏSPÄRÄT : disappear/ leave/ take/ far/ download/ delete/ empty/ divert
DÏTÏ : present/ matter/ fossil/ mineral/ visible
DÏVÏR : welcome/ come/ return/ receive/ become/ courageous/ arrive/ enter/ achieve/ hack/ arrive/ channel
DÖL : doll/ automaton
DÖLÖR : pain/ horror/ anguish
DÖLÖRÄ : suffering/ tear
DÖRÏ : beauty/ gold/ sublime/ different/ sacred/ emotion/ diamond/ holy/ wonderful/ splendor/ aesthetics
DÖR : door/ veil/ portal/ otherwise
DRÄK : reptile/ crawl/ magic
DRÖ : poet
DÜ : to/ of/ on
DÜDÜ : cruelty
DÜLÄË : obstinacy/ sick soul/ sadomasochism/ dominate
DÜLÏ : overcome/ tame
DÜLÏDÜ : explosive
DÜN : then/ also/ so/ or/ therefore
DÜNTÄ : abject/ arrogant/ bestiality/ impulse
DÜNTÄË : ecology/ duality/ defecation/ alternation
DÜNTÖ : more/ any/ positive/ good/ healthy/ addition/ recovery/ wise/ resource/ hello/ fly away
DÜRÏ : ice/ winter/ condition/ glass
DÜRÜN : coldness
DÜS : dust
DÜTÄLÜN : trap/ manipulation/ poison
ËDËN : Paradise/ ecstasy/ happiness/ Heaven/ exaltation/ home
ËÏ : where/ there/ to/ far/ until/ way/ there is/ travel/ to/ rank/ bridge/ orientation/ sidewalk
ËÏS : eye/ coldly
ËKËN : screen/ effect
ËL : she/ wing
ËLËÏ : live/ prana/ breath of life
ËLK : electricity/ electronics/ electron
ËLÖ : think/ idea/ consider/ behavior/ always
ËLP : help/ index
ËNDÄË : end/ finish/ limit/ ephemeral/ ultimate/ delimit/ nest/ more/ lend/ anything
ËNTÖR : rule/ law/ universal law/ power/ omnipotence/ talent/ sovereign
ËÜRT : heart
FÄLÏNDÄR : wonderful/ bearer of light
FÄLÏSÏ : wrong/ error/ amnesia/ fault
FÄLÏÜNDÏ : lie/ false
FÄLÏÜNDÏCÏ : fear/ doubt/ threat
FÄLÜSÄ : malice
FÄLÜSÄTÜN : ignorance
FÄRÏÄ : brother/ neighbor
FÄRÜN : reincarnate/ prison/ imprison/ submit
FÄRÜNDÏ : flow/ spread/ sweat/ lightness
FÄZÜR : patriarchal
FÏRË : burn/ fire/ flame/ calcinate/ ignite/ project/ spread/ spark/ flamboyant/ accomplishment/ shine
FÏ : battle/ war/ quarrel
FÏT : transform/ transcend
FÏNX : phoenix/ butterfly
FLÄMÄ : flare
FÖ : hypocrisy/ false/ lie/ theater/ show/ myth/ fake/ apparently/ scam/ scene
FÖYÖRÏ : savory/ appear
FRÜ : fruit
FÜ : mad/ madness/ absurd demon/ movement/ folly/ fool/ panic/ alienation/ useless/ misery
FÜCH : majesty/ opposite/ open/ great/ immense/ expand/ noble
FÜDÄ : confidential
FÜÏG : retreat/ cynical
FÜK : reject/ destroy
FÜN : small/ narrow/ fragile/ new/ audacity/ few/ descent/ certain/ partial/ insignificant/ poor/ scrupulous/ small/ humble/ lesser/ local
FÜNDÄ : solid/ slowly/ incredible/ golden/ repulsive/ brake
FÜNDÄTÄ : marry
FÜNDÄTÏ : extreme innocence
FÜNDËR : knowledge/ awareness/ premonition
FÜNDÜLÏ : innocence/ youth
FÜNDÜRÜ : lost/ detachment
FÜNTÄË : peaceful planet
FÜNTÄSÏÄ : Fantasia/ the Supreme Dimension
FÜR : that/ for/ this/ it/ home/ to/ at/ it is/ from/ he/ because/ against/ behind/ here/ address/ allow/ port
FÜRÏ : fury/ anger/ predation/ predator/ hate/ grumpy
FÜRÏSÜN : solar eruption/ force
FÜRÜS : present/ gift/ transmit/ give/ moment/ infuse/ deserve/ sow/ instantly/ value/ contagious/ accord
FÜRÜTÜ : madness
GÄRM : pistol
GËD : suicide
GLÄX : galaxy
GLÖBÄL : global
GRÄCË : grace/ honor
GRÜM : program/ process
GÜNT : affect/ kill/ crucify/ sacrifice/ generous/ mock
GÜL : gargoyle
GRÖD : succulent/ delicious
GÜD : Supraluminic Matrix/ Creator/ God/ Divine/ Light/ Father/ sacred
HÄN : hand/ glove
HÄX : axis/ bar/ accustomed
HËLP : help/ altruistic
HÜN : at/ alone/ strict/ begin/ only/ recycle/ birth/ simple/ first/ individual/ one/ unique/ rather
HÜP : hope/ faith/ believe/ confidence
HÜT : rot/ mold/ putrefaction/ zombie/ infestation
Ï : in/ and/ everyone/ us/ because/ I/ on/ by/ inside/ proof/ of/ to
ÏCË : inert/ stuck
ÏËL : god/ light/ false light/ realm of false light
ÏKÄR : Icarus
ÏLÄ : of/ therefore/ nudity
ÏLË : walk/ go/ return/ act/ react/ explore/ run/ assume/ behave/ send
ÏLÏ : here/ world/ under/ prison/ condemn/ hide/ calvary/ secret/ mystery/ lost/ manipulate/ condition/ disguise/ arcane/ sibylline/ find/ tangible/ system/ follow
ÏLÏS : creator/ create/ creativity/ make/ work/ operate/ manage
ÏMÄËJÏ : image/ ethereal
ÏN : inside/ in/ on/ through/ of/ cult/ insert
ÏNTÖ : in/ place/ replace/ isolate/ situation/ position
ÏLÜSÏÖN : illusion
ÏLÜN : strong/ powerful
ÏLÜNDÏLÏ : emit/ ready
ÏRÏN : steel/ research
ÏRÏS : rainbow
ÏRÏTÏ : contaminate/ irritate/ disturb
ÏÜN : rock/ interior/ put/ chrysalis/ pierce/ submit
ÏVËRNÄL : winter/ cold
JËX : knee
JÜD : exit/ far/ outside/ free/ window/ hole/ elsewhere/ out
JÜL : cheek/ face/ shape/ area/ type/ kind/ training/ health/ form/ word/ image/ constitution/ species/ arrangement/ modality
JÜJ : judge/ just/ justice/ mandatory/ only/ repress/ mandatory/ decision/ excuse
KÄ : refuse/ side/ tendency
KÄË : chaos/ confusion/ disorder
KÄÖS : chaos
KÄLÜN : animal/ beast
KÄTÄR : cathar
KÄVÄRÏTË : severe/ training/ prepare
KRÄG : dragon
KË : second/ exceed
KËNS : frequency/ impulse/ vibration/ sound
KHÏP : copy/ calk/ duplicate/ synthetic/ artificial/ diversion/ many/ version
KÏ : tead/ king/ queen/ center/ tyrant/ brain/ chief/ excellency
KÏH : who
KÏRÄN : protection/ shell/ benevolent/ empathy
KLÜK : time/ throughout
KÖN : fight/ survival/ dispute/ whip
KÖM : like/ when/ from/ relief
KÖRÜM : real/ victory/ win/ gain/ succeed/ overcome/ really/ harvest/ advantage
KÖNDÏSË : feel
KÖZ : because/ intervention/ cause
KRËÄT : create/ creation
KRÏS : yell/ repair
KRÏST : crystal/ Christ
KÜB : cube/ contain/ confinement/ cage
KÜNCËKÜËNS : consequence/ consecutive
KÜNTRÖL : control/ domesticate/ interface/ intermediary/ govern/ patronage
KÜNSTRÜK : build/ establish/ develop/ generate/ structure/ organize/ genetic
LÄ : game/ play/ low/ civilization/ here/ power/ base/ now/ henceforth/ reality/ substance/ primitive/ slow/ done/ indeed/ event/ denominator
LÄBÖRÄTÖRÏ : laboratory
LÄBÏRÄTË : labyrinth
LÄË : soul/ life/ pure light/ clarity
LÄÏLÄ : interdimensional/ interstellar/ mystic/ hyperdimensional/ extradimensional/ metaphysical
LÄFÏ : innocent
LÄÏ : exclude
LÄÏRÄ : mission/ future/ tomorrow/ ruse/ destiny/ scenario/ model/ crusade/ fate
LÄPT : rabbit
LÄNDÄ : beauty/ Fantasia/ Paradise/ beautiful world/ star/ country/ Heaven/ sanctuary
LÄNDÄË : lost paradise
LÄNDÄTÏ : imperishable
LÄËV : lava/ volcanic
LËÄ : snatch/ rip
LËFÜ : mislead/ medium
LËÏ : energy/ speed/ fast/ nectar/ urgency
LËÏSÄ : stardust
LËÏTH : fire/ light/ holy/ dazzle
LËÏVÏ : celestial energy/ fire from the Heaven
LÏ : lie/ ground/ belong/ ego/ our/ hypocrisy/ perfidious/ materialism/ concrete
LÏBËRÄTË : liberation/ issue
LÏBËRLÄË : liberation of the soul
LÏBËRSÄË : free spirit/ free will
LÏBËRTÄ : freedom/ free/ save
LÏBËRTÄË : free from Earth
LÏDÏ : forget/ deny
LÏGÏ : religion/ priest/ hermit
LÏLÄË : disturb/ disrupt
LÏN : result
LÏNÏ : Eternal Tree of Life/ Primordial Arborescence/ God/ Source/ True Light/ Amour/ valiant/ benevolence/ joy/ good
LÏÜM : Light/ angel/ God/ dazzling/ master/ magisterial
LÏÜNDÄ : illusion/ wall/ mental illusion/ problem/ default/ veil/ obstacle
LÏÜN : bring/ lead
LÏVÏR : incarnate/ live
LÏR : feel/ touch/ finger
LÖ : lost/ wander/ absorb/ defeat/ worse/ aqua/ constant/ transformation
LÖR : love/ benevolent/ true/ wild
LÖRDÄ : father/ father who cries/ the tears of the Father
LÖRN : unicorn
LÖV : love/ procreation
LÜCÏ : Lucifer/ he/ him/ Demiurge
LÜMÏNÄRË : light/ perfect/ unconditional/ neguentropic/ ideal
LÜN : Moon
LÜNÄG : dog
LÜNDÄTÏ : monstrous negative energies/ monster
MÄ : bad/ evil/ sadness/ curse/ pay/ cost/ Demiurge/ clumsiness/ shit/ sadism/ ill repute
MÄKNÄË : engine/ instrument/ metal
MÄR : suffocate/ enough
MËÄ : cry
MËKÄNÏÄË : mechanism
MËLÄNCÖLÏÜN : melancholy/ nostalgia
MÏ : my/ me/ we/ our/ I/ the/ of/ a/ helm
MÏLÏ : strange/ obsess
MÏMÄË : my love/ my companion
MÏND : consciousness/ energy/ mental/ moral/ concept/ memory
MÖR : die/ victim/ accident/ death
MÜD : moist
MÜLRÏ : multiverse
M'TÏ : belong
NÄMÏDÄ : cry
NÄMÏDÄË : last tears
NÄNDË : resistance
NÄ : path/ state/ journey/ history/ status
NÄTÄ : nature/ intrinsic/ type
NËDÜM : people/ identity/ name/ herd
NÏ : or/ nor
NÖ : not/ none/ no/ never/ anti/ nowhere
NÖC : dark/ occult
NÖMÄ : discover
NÖT : stop/ normal/ inspiration/ forbid/ give up/ hermetic
NÜÄD : cloud
Ö : Oh/ water/ amphibian
ÖBÏ : leave/ flee/ allow/ escape/ rent/ grant/ throw/ let
ÖKLË : tentacle/ octopus
ÖL : all/ everywhere/ whole
ÖLÏ : wake up
ÖLÖGRÄ : hologram
ÖN : active/ of/ room/ activity/ engage
ÖRDË : many/ often/ such/ billion/ complex/ too/ strong/ identic/ most of the time
ÖRM : million
ÖR : vitality/ energy
ÖRÏ : horrible
ÖRÖ : Ouroboros/ snake
ÖSWÏ : swim/ dive
PÄ : step/ gesture
PÄRÏÖN : forgiveness/ repentance
PÄRÄDÄ : Heaven/ harmony
PËRK : perfection
PLËZ : please
PÏ : so/ moreover
PÏËRN : stone/ fossil
PÏX : pixel
PÏXÄL : pixels/ pixel cluster / cluster
PÖ : skin
PÜND : lay/ letter
PÜR : why
PÜRÏTÏ : purity/ purification
QRÖ : crown/ raven
RÄ : recharge/ address
RÄDÄTÏ : invincible
RÄN : must/ should/ force/ on/ duty/ impose/ dictatorship/ lesson/ occupation/ debt/ devotion/ politics
RÄÏGN : reign/ empire
RËGRËT : regret
RËVËÜRT : heart's revolt
RÏ : nothing/ empty/ recover/ eviscerate/ easy/ console/ dry/ peace/ forgotten/ sterile
RÏÄDÄRÏ : disintegration/ flight/ dematerialization
RÏLÏN : rebirth/ reincarnation
RÏNDÜTÏ : collapse
RÏSÄ : care
RÏSÄË : empty/ air/ solve/ astral/ fly
RÏDÄT : delete/ teleport
RÏÜNDÄ : violent rage/ hate/ denigrate
RÏÜNDÄË : mortal/ perishable
RÏÜNDÄTÏ : absolute void/ total/ absolute/ integrity
RÏÜNDÏ : flaming root/ sky/ upper/ high
RÏÜNTÄ : try/ prefer/ favor
RÏVÏ : disgust/ revolt/ guide/ counsel
RÜ : owe/ become/ become again
RÜN : see/ desire/ deliberate/ war/ temptation/ seek/ seduce/ want/ meet
RÜNDÄ : relaunch/ sculpt/ progress/ commit
RÜNDÄË : calvary
RÜNDÏ : root/ substance
RÜNDÖ : cold
RÜNTÄË : artificial/ disinfect
S : question/ ?/ request/ call/ reminder/ claim/ demand
SÄ : release/ which/ choose/ choice/ relax/ anyone
SÄË : spirit/ consciousness/ intuition/ spiritual/ plant/ avatar
SÄÏR : bleed/ degradation
SÄLÏN : plant/ vegetable
SÄLÜR : hot/ already
SÄN : blood/ body/ flesh/ matter/ property/ breast/ physical/ organic/ organism/ iron/ android/ robot
SÄNDÄTÄ : profuse bleeding
SÄNDÄTÏ : long bleeding
SÄNDÜLÏ : better/ deliverance/ rebirth
SÄNSHÄË : material/ heavy/ gravity
SÄVÜR : be careful/ watch/ meticulous/ rhythm
SÄTÄ : Devil/ diabolical/ evil/ ominous/ shadow/ unconsciously/ dangerous/ weak/ guardian/ malevolent
SÄNTÄ : Satan/ Shiva/ serpent/ dispossess/ manipulation
SCÜR : rampart/ sculpture
SË : matter/ matrix/ room
SËÄ : sea/ ocean
SÖ : become/ beyond/ future/ potential
SÖK : social
SÖLÏTÏÜD : solitude
SÖLÏTÏÜDÏ : disunity
SÖLÜ : after/ even/ equal/ same/ despite/ appearance/ compatible
SÖRÏ : sorry
SÖRÏÄ : warrior/ soldier/ guardian/ agent/ infallible/ rock
SÖRÖ : despair
SÖRVÏ : slave/ obedience/ use/ hold/ addict/ servitude/ conformism/ extension/ transhumanism
SÏ : here/ but/ accessible/ if/ approach
SÏK : sick/ neurosis/ conspiracy/ neuron/ ill
SÏLÄNCÏÄ : silence/ humble
SÏMÜLÄË : simulation
SÜ : war/ evolution/ battle/ authority/ competition/ weapon
SÜBMÏND : subconscious
SÜDJÏ : peace/ find/ reassure/ phase
SÜDJÜTÏ : infernal/ torment/ chaos
SÜDÜRÜ : bruise/ wound
SÜLÏ : only/ luminous darkness/ revelation
SÜLÏTÏÜD : solitude
SÜN : Sun/ calm/ conquer/ light/ clear/ luminary
SÜNDÄË : eternal sun
SÜNDÄLÏ : dying sun/ black
SÜNDÄTÏ : day/ perpetual day/ daily
SÜNDÜ : burn/ corrosive/ hot/ rag/ combination
SÜTCH : eat/ swallow/ experience/ consume/ scald/ gnaw/ test/ absorb/ bite/ cruel
SÜTCHÄË : pain/ forgive
TÄ : my/ our/ of/ your/ meat
TÄKH : tachyon
TÄË : Earth/ physical matter/ pentacle/ fusion/ mud/ marsh/ clay/ density
TÄÏLÏ : asphyxiate
TÄLÏ : virus/ microbe
TÄLÜRÏN : everyone/ each
TÄNK : thank you
TÄRÄ : scorched Earth/ tar
TÄRÏN : harmony/ happy/ calm/ balance/ average/ karma/ balance/ agreement/ group/ responsible/ accountant/ contract/ patient/ symphony
TÄRÜN : nature/ personality/ instinct/ someone
TÄRVÏ : exchange/ return/ change/ polarity/ edit/ divert/ business/ money/ treasure/ price/ coin/ spend
TÄYÄ : hard/ crucifixion
TCHÏ : exasperate/ despair
TCHÜC : cheap
TË : negative energies/ tooth
TËK : technology/ science
TËRÄ : disgusting earthling
TËRËÄ : earthlings/ terrestrial
TËRÏ : hybrid
TÏ : above/ high/ its/ height/ right/ exceed/ ride/ elevation/ stand/ roof/ cross/ level/ surface/ large/ ascent/ climb/ episode/ direct/ kind/ sincere/ gratify
TÏÜDÏ : prevent/ forbid
TÖ : cruelty
TÖÏ : toy
TÖR : union/ specific/ manner/ mixture/ soak/ gateway/ alloy/ integration
TÖRÏ : exploit/ useful
TÖVÏ : intelligence/ important/ constancy/ undergo/ serious
TRÄG : tragedy/ break
TRÏ : tree/ three/ three-dimensional
TSHË : nightmare/ dream/ sleep
TÜ : succumb/ disease/ kill/ mistreat/ malice/ fall/ executioner/ mutilate
TÜN : savagery/ brutalize/ blow/ fight/ strike
TÜNDÜ : link/ connection/ loyalty/ dependence/ heritage/ attachment/ common
TÜNDÜLÏ : weaken
TÜNDÜRÏ : storm/ phenomenon
TÜNDÜRÜ : darken/ night
TÜP : top/ particular/ elite
TÜR : gentle/ humility/ tender/ drama
TÜRÏ : sad/ unfortunately/ punishment
TÜRÜ : charm/ temple
TÜRÜN : torrent/ river
TÜTCH : ego/ indifference/ mental/ fold/ unknown/ jealousy
TÜVÏ : awaken
Ü : all/ material/ advance/ other/ him/ you/ our/ we/ under/ it/ them/ himself/ very/ little
ÜFÖ : unidentified flying object/ object/ extraterrestrial
ÜCÖ : ghost/ echo/ in/ vague/ stay/ stagnation/ implementation/ stagnation/ specter/ score
ÜNCÖSTÄË : indestructible/ hierarchy
ÜDÄ : mask/ lie/ video/ virtual/ deception/ skeleton
ÜDÏ : chain
ÜLD : old/ ancient
ÜLÏ : gut/ deeply/ inside/ abomination/ plant/ extreme/ curse/ visceral/ blasphemy/ internal
ÜLÖ : mirror/ reflection
ÜMTÏ : empty/ devoid/ desert/ erase/ futile
ÜMÜN : amen
ÜN : the/ without/ it's/ fact/ be/ crush/ overwhelm
ÜNDÄ : unlivable/ hell/ infernal/ perverse/ inhuman/ trample/ mask/ negation/ hologram/ vice/ contrary
ÜNDÄË : long/ eternal/ colossal/ exhaust/ immortal
ÜNDÄËTÜN : disharmony/ scandalous/ dissonance
ÜNDÄRÄ : however/ test/ experimentation/ how/ challenge
ÜNDÄRÏ : emancipation/ disconnection
ÜNDÄTÄ : arrange/ correct/ patch/ repair/ treat/ hospital/ expiation/ relieve
ÜNDÄTÏ : infinite/ pretentious/ grand/ eternal/ long/ constant/ always/ quantity
ÜNDË : pardon/ disgrace
ÜNK : five
ÜDËN : Celestial/ Heaven
ÜNDÏ : background/ past/ from/ before/ burn/ suffer/ deep/ vast/ grief/ torture/ sensitive/ sense/ undergo
ÜNDÖ : habit/ rebirth/ cycle/ sphere/ recycling/ dome/ park/ trash/ toilet
ÜNDÖLÖRÄ : insensible
ÜNDÖRÏ : amorphous
ÜNDÜ : reason/ source/ essential/ origin/ fundamental/ principle/ relative/ paradigm/ criteria
ÜNDÜLÏ: understand/ force/ bravery/ condemn/ feel/ patience/ compassion/ admit/ relearn/ invention/ information/ pity
ÜNDÜLÏÄ : dancer/ dance/ vehicle
ÜNDÜLÏS : imagine/ magician/ fiction/ show/ magic/ expose
ÜNDÜRÏ : naturally/ unique/ impossible/ ancestral
ÜNDÜRÜ : easy/ fast
ÜNDÜTÄYÄ : revolt
ÜNFÜ : wonderful/ defend/ splendor/ miracle
ÜNFÜRÏ : redemption
ÜNGËLÜS : angel
ÜNKÜNTRÖL : uncontrollable
ÜNLÏVÏR : lifeless/ die/ dead
ÜNPÄÏÖN : unsustainable
ÜNPËRK : imperfect
ÜNSÄË : insensible/ confused
ÜNSÏ : comfort/ flavor
ÜNTÄ : hell/ fall/ darkness/ despair/ incarnation/ abyss/ without/ boredom/ cold
ÜNTÄË : nothingness/ landless/ winter/ hole/ lack/ vortex/ ravine
ÜNTÄÏ : lacerate/ notch/ scar/ hurt/ wrinkle/ trauma/ offend
ÜNTÖ : all/ every/ everyone/ everything/ me
ÜNTÏ : particle/ hell/ abyss/ inner/ darkness/ depth/ torment/ disturb/ atom/ lower/ extraordinary
ÜNVÄRÏNSÄN : invisible/ hide/ other
ÜR : be/ we/ of/ your/ that/ you/ the/ they/ what
ÜRÄ : take/ have/ attract/ tragic/ source/ suck/ vampire/ possess/ parasitize/ upset/ need/ transport/ resort/ harvest/ trouble/ pull
ÜRDÄ : consequence/ sequel
ÜRË : obviously/ write
ÜRÏ : spirit of life/ nature/ world/ trust/ universe/ planet/ live/ cosmos/ space/ realm/ fortress
ÜRSËL : ourselves
ÜRTÄ : brutalize/ impossible
ÜRTÏ : violent/ abuse
ÜSÜ : self/ ego/ selfish/ his/ her/ loop/ arrogance
ÜT : clean/ pure/ purify/ purgatory/ white/ purest/ spontaneous/ unknown/ logical/ wash
ÜTÄ : creature/ life/ exist/ crawl/ living beings/ creation/ entity/ race
ÜTÏ : you/ struggle
ÜVÏ : goal/ growth/ promise/ strategy/ ascent/ intention/ role
VÄ : yes/ accept/ consent/ possible/ collaboration/ validate/ deliver/ maybe/ complaisance
VÄRÏ : reaction
VÄRÏNSÄN : see/ look/ turn/ interest/ point of view/ respect/ focus/ allegiance/ discover/ warn/ glimpse/ camp/ deviate
VÄÏÜLÄNTÄ : violent/ humiliating/ dangerous/ symptom
VËN : vein
VÖÏ : voice/ curse
VÖÏCÏS : it is/ who/ this is
VÏ : paradox/ inverse/ duality/ oppose
VÏRÏ : life/ survive/ exist/ existence/ vital
VÏSÄTÏÜ : destroy
VÏTÏ : alive/ live
VÜ : do/ remake/ again/ keep/ continue/ action
VÜLC : volcano/ want
VÜN : truth/ authentic
VÜNTÏ : complain/ despair
VÜRÏ : virtue/ virtuous/ real/ truth/ plan/ fake villain
VÜRTÏ : here/ envisage/ admit
WÜË : whose
WÜMB : ready
WÜRM : worm
WÜK : like/ full/ indivisible/ supply
XÖX : sex/ gender
XPLÖ : explosion/ propagation
XÜM : woman/ female
YÄ : scream
YÄG : yang
YÏN : yin
YÜM/ YÜ' : we/ other/ humanity/ man/ human/ male/ battery
YÜM YÜM : eat/ yum yum/ munch/ oppress
YÜMÄ : us/ beautiful humanity/ original consciousness/ original humanity
YÜMDÄ : other humanity/ other human race/ changing man/ human species
YÜMDÜRT : selfish human/ polluting human/ infamous/ rest/ sick human race/ sediment
YÜMTÄ : innocent human
Ÿ : why/ cube
ŸËL : God/ True Light/ Kingdom of the True Light/ Love/ subtle/ Supreme Intelligence/ Divine Programmer
ZÄÏL : tail/ bird/ swan
ZËK : insect
ZÜ : zoo