The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1959 U.S. Steel Boss Dies Of Stroke Walter Munford Hospitalized For Accidental Stab Wound In Stomach By United Press International HYANNIS, Sept. Walter F. Munford, $250,000 president of the strike-bound U. S.

Steel died Monday less than one week after he suffered an accidental stab wound and a cerebral stroke on successive days. anche "general hospital said the complications" stroke caused the death. The 59-year-old executive died at 1:45 p.m. at Cape Cod HosS pital, where his condidition had steadily sened since he was stabbed in the abdomen by a kitchen knife at his summer home in nearby Chatham last WedMr. Munford Wirephoto nesday.

Munford's a wife Camille, and his two sons were at the bedside at the time of death. Called Accident For 24 hours after the stabbing, details were cloaked in mystery, but an investigation by the district attorney concluded that it was an accident. Last Thursday, less than 24 hours after he was admitted to the hospital, Munford suffered a stroke that paralyzed his right arm and caused the loss of his speech. was placed in an oxygen tent and fed only liquids. Prior to the fall in which he was stabbed, Munford had been under doctor's care for fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

He had been under considerable pressure from the steel strike. The fall occurred while Munford was stacking kitchen utensils, police said. The kitchen knife pierced Munford's abdomen to about three inches. Mrs. Munford told authorities her husband had been putting away utensils and dishes in the kitchen of his summer home when he slipped and fell on the highly polished flagstone floor, plunging a six-inch paring knife into his stomach, Graduate Of MIT Munford was born in Worcester, attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute and was graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1923.

Steel even before his graduation, He began his career with U.S.; working part-time as an open hearth helper at Worcester's North Works of American Steel Wire Division of U. S. Steel. After graduation, he started with the giant steel combine at the bottom. He became president of AmerIcan Wire Division in 1953.

He succeeded Clifford Hood as U. S. Steel president last May 5. MRS. ROXIE WARREN Services To Be Tomorrow In Mississippi Mrs.

Roxie Ann Kyle Warren, widow of John H. Warren, Pontotoc County, farmer who died 36 years ago, died at 7:15 last night at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W. O. co*ker of 2198 Filmore.

Mrs. Warren was 93. Services will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow in Sand Springs, Methodist Church. Burial will be the church cemetery with Browning Funeral Home of Ecru, in charge.

Mrs. Warren was born in Pontotoc County and had been a Memphian 20 years. She also leaves two sons, Charles H. Warren of 2039 MunRoad and Doyle Warren of Thaxton, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. RUSSELL CARRIER Laborer Collapses While Drinking Canned Heat Russell Carrier, 49-year-old odd jobs laborer of 642 Poplar, collapsed and died a friend's apartment about 8:15 last night.

Police said Amos Massengill of the same address told them he and Mr. Carrier had been drinking canned heat before the victim was stricken. Canned heat is a combustible mixture of paraffin and alcohol used for cooking. Mr. Carrier's wife said her husband had a heart condition.

The body is being held for the coroner, who will decide if an autopsy is necessary to determine cause of death. A. B. Galloway Is Dead At 74 During Career As Criminal Lawyer He Defended 50 In Murder Cases wide research in ep a ri cases. He acted as defense counsel in 50 murder cases and lost only one client to the electric chair.

Perhaps his most sensational case was that of A. Puryear, who was charged with murdering wife and small daughter and a Negro whom he was accused of luring the scene of the crime and killing, to make it appear the Negro was the murderer. The case dragged through local courts seven years and Puryear was finally sentenced to 10 years in the state penitentiary at Nashville, he died. About 1922 Mr. Galloway represented the Ford Motor Co.

payroll bandits in another highly publicized murder case. A guard was killed and two other men wounded during the attempt by four young men to rob a Ford paymaster's car on Union. Later the four were captured after a police officer was shot and killed in the chase. The state demanded the death penalty for the four robbers, but Mr. Galloway got them off with prison sentences all have long since been paroled.

His Philosophy Mr. Galloway's philosophy of his profession was this: "Even if a lawyer thinks his client is guilty, he should defend him to the extent that he will see to it his client receives the protection of his rights that are his under the Constitution and the law. Every man, no matter how guilty, is entitled to a fair trial." The retired attorney also had a fling at politics and was elected to the Tennessee Generall Assembly in 1915 for one term. His father served as a colonel in the 22nd North Carolina Infantry during the Civil War and one of his great-great-grandfathers was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, participating in the Battle of Cowpens. Mr.

Galloway was a member of Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Kappa Sigma Fraternity and was a former member of the Chamber of Commerce. He was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, a Shriner and a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. During his practice he was affiliated with the Tennessee Bar Association. He was a former president of East Memphis Civic Club. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Elise Chilton Harriwhom he married May 1, 1920; a son, Jim C.

Galloway of A. B. Galloway, one of Memphis' outstanding criminal lawyers for nearly 40 years before his retirement in 1947, died at 2:50 yesterday afternoon at Baptist Hospital. Mr. Galloway, who lived at 2251 Madison, had been ill with heart trouble since he retired.

Alexander Broadnax Galloway was born 74 years ago in Somerville, son of the late, Thomas Spraggins and Minerva, Allison Greenlee Galloway. He attended Somerville before entering Cumberland University Law School, from which he was graduated with an LL.B. degree in 1908. Noted For Research During his law career Mr. Galloway was noted for his 4435 Chickasaw Road; and four nieces, Miss Minnie Adrian Galloway of Lewisburg, Mrs.

William Mims of 3735 Poplar, Mrs. Will Roper of Covington, and Mrs. Tolly Townson of Memphis. National Funeral Home has CLARENCE A. LOUDEN Inspector For Tire Firm Dies At 50 Clarence A.

Louden of 260 Keel, an inspector for Steepleton General Tire died at 11:05 a.m. yesterday at West Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital after an illness of five months. He was 50. Services will be at 11 a.m. toat Citizen's Funeral Home in West Memphis.

Burial will be in Crittenden Memorial Park. Born in Oklahoma, Mr. Louden had been employed by the tire firm 19. years. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Lois Louden, and a niece, Linda Faye Dillard, whom he was helping rear. Mrs. H. S. Jacobs 4 this afternoon at National Funeral Home.

Burial will be in Forest Hill. Mrs. Jacobs, who was 53, died Sunday. Services, for 967 Mrs. Frances Eastmoreland, M.

wife of H. S. Jacobs, will be at 1960 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE CON- display Thursday, at Douthit-Carroll-SanVERTIBLE- -Classic sophistication is dra. Chez 1011 Union and Kittle Pontiac matized by Pontiac's new 1960 Bonne- 2563 Summer. ville convertible.

The new models go or MRS. BOB R. WILEY Heart Patient, 31, Is Found Dead In Bathtub Mrs. Barbara Wiley, wife of Bob R. Wiley, employe of the Memphis Light, Gas Water Division, was found dead in the bathtub at her home, 178 East Peebles, about noon yesterday.

She was 31. Mr. Wiley, who had returned home for lunch, said his wife's body was submerged in the partially-filled tub. He called sheriff's deputies and firemen, but efforts to revive her were unsuccessful. Mrs.

Wiley's physician said she was being treated for a heart condition. An autopsy to determine cause of death has been ordered. Mrs. Wiley was born in Tipton County, came to Memphis as a child. She was a member of LaBelle Baptist Church.

She also leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Paul of Barretville, and four sisters, Mrs. Mary Jones of 1542 Tennyson, Mrs. Florence Thomas of Capleville, Mrs.

Dorothy Timbs. of Morrison, and Mrs. Faye Timbs of 3838 Ronnie Road. Services will be at 2 tomorrow afternoon at National Funeral Home with the Rev. J.

Redford Wilson officiating. Place of burial has not been decided. MRS. JESS CLEAVES Shelby County Resident Dies In Methodist Hospital Services for Mrs. Lelia Mae Cleaves of 2808 Kate Bond Road, wife of Jess, Cleaves, employe of Cleaves Auto Parts at Highways 64 and 70, will be at 1 tomorrow afternoon at National Funeral Home.

Burial will be in Morning Sun Cemetery about 12 miles east of the city limits on Highway 64, Mrs. Cleaves, who was 69, died at 9:40 a.m. yesterday at Methodist Hospital. She was born in Union City, and spent the past 28 years in Shelby County. She member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

She also leaves two daughters, Mrs. Earline Kepka of Mobile and Mrs. Wilda Magee of 4008 Forrest; three sons, Nolen W. Cleaves of 2751 Charles of Chicago. A fourth son, Bryant Road and Harvel Cleaves Hurtle Haynes, drowned about two weeks ago in Humphreys Lake on Germantown Road.

She also leaves two brothers, Hardie Archie of Tiptonville, and Allan Archie of East St. Louis, 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. JOHN W. EATON Retired Textile Worker Dies -Rites Tomorrow John W. Eaton of 795 Roanoke, a retired textile worker, died at 11:15 a.m.

yesterday at Shelby County Hospital where he had been a patient since Sept. 21. He en was 83. Mr. Eaton was born in Monroe County, and had lived in Memphis since 1940.

He was member of McLemore Avenue Presbyterian Church. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. J. 0. Jennings of the Roanoke address, and Mrs.

Jimmie Hall of Danville, two sons, Mike Eaton of Danville and W. S. Eaton of Starkville, four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Services will be at 10 tomorrow morning at National Funeral Home. Burial will be in Priceville, Miss.

Louis Barton Services for Louis Barton of Marion, former Crittenden County political figure and onetime president of Crittenden County Bank and Trust will be at 3 this afternoon at Citizen's Funeral Home in West Memphis. The Rev. A. C. Brannon and the I.

L. Claud will officiate. Burial will be in Elmwood. Mr. Barton, who was 86, died Sunday night in Cage Nursing Home.

W. K. Smith W. K. Smith, barber of Somerville, died at 4:30 p.m.

yesterday at Baptist Hospital, where he had been a patient since Sept. 13. Mr. Smith, who was 73, was the father of Mrs. T.

A. Hailey of 3583 Vernon. Services and burial will be in Somerville with National Funeral Home in charge. Perry B. House Services for Perry B.

House, member of the Washington staff of Representative Clifford Davis will be at 10 tomorrow morning at Martin Funeral Home in Nashville. Burial will be there. Mr. House, who maintained a home at 964 Sheridan, died Saturday afternoon in Washington. He was 64.

Mrs. Myrtle Green Services for Mrs. Myrtle May Green of 1277 Worthington, who died Sunday, will be at 10 this morning at' National Funeral Home with Dr. Ralph Moore officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park.

She was the widow of Billy Green. She was 69. Mrs. Leona Ware Services for Mrs. Leona Ware of 3745 Douglass, widow of Arthur H.

Ware, will be at 2:30 this afternoon at National Funeral Home with the Rev. G. Daniel Jr. officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park.

She was 82. MID-SOUTH DEATHS 66. CLARENDON. Ark. James H.

Dean GREENWOOD. C. Hicks, 49; Irving J. Joiner, 66. Monette, Ark.

-Mrs. Sally Mae HOgah, HARRISBURG. Mrs. Cora Spurlock, COLUMBUS. G.

Stephenson, HELENA, -Clyde H. Smith. 54. COLDWATER, Miss. -Sumner Dancy, 70.

CHINATOBIA, Beatrice McCARROLLTON, Katie Lou McCain, 76. HOLLY SPRINGS, Lela Reed HOUSTON, 75. James E. 76. Dendy, HALLS.

Tenn -Mrs. Mary Nunn. 58. ADAMSVILLE, -John J. Tidwell.

DRESDEN, Tenn. Mrs. PAnSy Tenn. -Sam Ward, 84. PREVUE OF U.S.

WEATHER BUREAU FORECAST 6:30 P.M. CST 9 -29-59 (H) COOLER. MILWAUKEE, NEW YORK MILD SAN FRANCISCO KANSAS CITY WINDY MEMPHIS. 5:47 WORTH HIGHEST TEMPERATURES and CLOUD FORECAST 5:53 90 WEATHER FOTOCAST A SHOWERS AIR FLOW E3 STORMS THUNDER RAIN 999 A MAGNER DISTRIBUTED BY UNITED PRESS An outbreak of cooler air following in the wake of an eastward-moving cold front will produce most of today's cloudiness and precipitation. Scattered rain showers and thunderstorms are expected to develop throughout most of the nation's mid-section, with some snow over the higher elevations of the Central Rockies.

Thunderstorm activity should dominate the Western Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley. In association with Hurricane Gracie, windy and rainy weather may occur along the Lower Eastern Seaboard. Elsewhere, sunny to partly cloudy skies will prevail. Cooler air is predicted to overspread the Great Plains and the area in and around the Lakes, while relatively warm conditions remain over the East. RIVER BULLETIN U.

S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WEATHER A BUREAU Data for period ending 7 a.m. Sept. 28. Flood Stage Hgt.

Chg. Prec. a Pittsburgh 25 16.5 0.0 aParkersburg 36 11.0 0.0 Cincinnati 52 12.1 a Louisville. L.G. 55 9.4 a Evansville 42 9.1 .04 Mt.

Carmel 17 2.5 .02 aDam No. 50 34 10.2 .08 aDam No. 51 40 9.5 .05 Nashville 40 16.4 0.0 Chattanooga 30 12.9 0.0 Florence 18 11.4 0.0 aKentuckk Dam U.G. 20.2 0.0 .16 a Paducah 39 15.6 0.3 .03 aDam No. 52 10.0 .06 Dam No.

10.3 11 Kansas City 9.9 1.1 Hermann 12.1 0.5 .06 St. Chester Louis 30 9.0 1,04 9.0 .09 Cape Girardeau 14.2 0.6 05 Cairo 11.1 .06 New Madrid 3.6 .22 Caruthersville 32 3.6 0.7 MEMPHIS 34 Wappapello Dam 9.9 0.0 .08 bFisk 20 1.4 2.10 bSt. Francis 18 2.2 2.25 bMarked Tree 17 3.0 0.0 .60 bParkin 28 3.6 0.1 .46 Batesville 23 7.1 Newport 26 2.3 0.0 Clarendon 26 10.5 Helena 44 3.6 0.0 Augusta 32 13.5 0.0 Arkansas City 42 1.0 Little Rock 23 Pine Bluff 25 2.1 0.3 Vicksburg 43 2.4 0.0 New Orleans 17 2.1 0.3 RIVER FORECAST The Mississippi River at Caruthersville will rise about 1.3 feet by Tuesday, 1.2 feet by Wednesday, and 0.5 foot by Thursday morning. At Memphis, it will rise about 0.6 foot by Tuesday, 1.0 foot by Wednesday, and 1.1 feet. by Thursday morning.

At Helena, It will rise about 0.2 foot by Tuesday. 0.7 foot by Wednesday, and 1.0 foot by Thursday morning. Died HOWARD Saturday, Sept. 26, 1959. at 12:30 a.m..

MR. EARL HOWARD JR. (Junior Boy); husband of Mrs. Freddie Jean Howard; son of Mrs. Blanche Howard and the late Mr.

Earl Howard brother of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nathan Barner, Carolyn and Larry Howard: uncle grandson of Mrs.

Leslie Carbin: of Michael, Terry and Sharon Denise Barner; seven aunts. four uncles. a host of nieces, nephews and cousins and friends survive. Due notice: Southern Funeral Home, JA 7-7311. KIPK-At E.

H. Crump Hospital, Monday. Sept. 28. 1959.

MR. EDWARD R. KIRK. brother of Mrs. Annie Belle Alleyne of this city, Mrs.

Cornelia Kirk Bradford. Messrs. Paul and James Kirk of Chicago, nephew of Mrs. Eliza Isabelle and Mrs. Georgia Harbert: several nieces and other relatives and friends.

Due notice. Union Protective Assurance Co. arrangements. T. H.

Hayes Sons, JA 5-3518. LANDERS-At residence. 828 N. Montgomery Sept. 25.

1959, at 10:40 p.m.. MR. ROBERT LANDERS: husband of Mrs. Isabelle Landers: father of Mr. Samuel Landers: brother of Mr.

Oliver. Albert and Johnson Landers, Mrs. Dorthular Burns and Mrs. Cora Jordon; four sisters-in-law, two brothers-in-law, one aunt; other relatives and friends survive. Body in state at Southern.

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1959, from 6 until 10 p.m. Services at Wright Chapel Baptist Church. Fisherville, Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 1 p.m., Rev.

J. W. Powell. Rev. L.

T. Boyce officiating. Interment in Farwell Cemetery. Southern Funeral Home. JA 7-7311.

LEE-At Kennedy VA Hospital, Monday, Sept. 28, 1959. at 9:30 a.m.. MR. MAC KLEE.

age 46, husband of Mrs. Verna M. Lee; father of Mack Maxine, Jolevetta. Kristina. Marquerite and Virginia Lynn Lee: brother of Messrs.

Henry, John Allen and Herman Lee. Mrs. Gladys Spann, Mrs. Pearl James. Mesdames Lela Mae Clark.

Clifford Margaret Lee. A host of other relatives and friends. Due notice. S. W.

Qualls 479 Vance. Phone JA 6-2181. MITCHELL- John Gaston Hospital. Sept. 27, 1959.

MRS. MARY MITCHELL: wife of Mr. Joseph Mitchell: sister of Mrs. Lewis Ann Gardner. Mr.

Rogers Deberry, both of Chicago, Ill. She leaves three nephews, two nieces. a host of relatives and friends survive. Due notice. Southern Funeral Home.

JA 7-7311. Tennessee--Partly cloudy with little temperature change. Chance of showers. High in 805 Kentucky--Partly cloudy with not too much change in tempcratures. Chance of showers west and central.

High in 80s. Louisiana and Mississippi Partly cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday with thundershowers. Cooler northwest Tuesday, Alabama Partly cloudy and warm Tuesday and Wednesday with thundershowers Arkansas Consider able cloudiness; thundershowers and south Tuesday and southeast Wednesday. Cooler Wednesday and northwest Tuesday. High Tuesday in 70g northwest to 80s elsewhere.

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WEATHER BUREAU James E. Blount Jr. Lengthy Illness Fatal To Lawyer James Edward Blount Jr.

Was First 'Boy Mayor'Services Today James Edward Blount retired attorney and first "boy mayor" of Memphis, died at 11 a 601 yesterday Cadraca morning Drive, at after his an home, illness of several years. Services will be at 2 this afternoon Funeral Home. Burial in MeNationale morial Park. Was Football Star Mr. Blount, who was 53, was born in Water Valley, and reared in Memphis.

He attended Central High where he was an outstanding football player, and went on gridiron stardom at Furman University. He received his degree from Harvard University. The son of the late J. Blount Sr. and Margaret E.

Blount, Mr. Blount began his Memphis law practice shortly after his graduation in 1931. He was a former oratorical pion of the Southwestern Forensic League and at one time cha championship. Southeastern He high was named diving boy mayor of Memphis in 1925 while attending Central High. Mr.

Blount was a lieutenant in the Navy during World War II and was in charge of the V-12 training program at the University of South Carolina. He was named vice commander for West Tennessee American Veterans of World War II in July, 1949. He also was judge advocate of the Memphis AMVETS post. Was Active In Church He was a member of the Memphis and Shelby County Bar Association. Mr.

Blount married the former Miss Sara Armistead of Memphis, He was a Methodist former steward in Madison Heights Church. He leaves his wife; a daughter, Miss Sandra Lynn Blount, a junior at Memphis State University; a son, J. E. Blount III, student at Memphis University School; four sisters, Miss Lottie Blount and Miss Henrietta Blount of 1950 Nelson, Mrs. Walter Garvey of 3885 Faxon, and Mrs.

A. F. Edwards of 99 Fenwick Road, and a brother, W. R. Blount Sr.

of 3800 Northwood Drive. JOHN NELSON Machinist Born In Sweden Dies At Home Services for John Nelson, retired Ford Motor Co. machinist who died at 11 Sunday night at home, 3403 Dogwood, will be at 10 this morning at National Funeral Home. The Rev. burial will be in Park.

David Jones will officiate, and Mr. Nelson, who lived with his sister, Mrs. A. G. Drane, was 73.

He was born in Sweden and moved to Memphis when he was 16. He was a member of the Christian Church, the Moose and Masonic lodges. Olimer V. Ayers Jr. Services for Olimer V.

Ayers former Illinois Central Railroad employe who died Saturday night at his home at 1310 Driver, will be at 1 tomorrow afternoon at Thompson Bros. Mortuary. The Rev. Charles Woodall and the Rev. D.

M. will officiate. Burial will be in National Cemetery. Mr. Ayers was 48.

Mrs. Hugh Read Services for Mrs. Oma Read of 3844 Brighton Road, wife of Hugh Read, will be at 11:30 tomorrow morning at the Church of God, 1234 Mississippi. Burial will be in National Cemetery with National Funeral Home in charge. Mrs.

Read died Sunday after a long illness. She was 36. ARTHUR E. BALDRIDGE Lifelong Memphian Dies At 60 A. B.

Galloway Arthur E. Baldridge of 1698 Edward, a foreman for the City Sanitation Department and Purple Heart veteran of World War died at 5:15 p.m. yesterday at Kennedy Veterans Hospital. He was 60. A lifelong Memphian, Mr.

Baldridge had worked for the city 15 years. He was a member of the famous 142nd (Rainbow) Division and was gassed in combat in Europe. He was a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Baldridge was T.

O. Baldridge of Memphis. the son of the late Miri and Mrs. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Claracena Baldridge; two daughters, Mrs.

Barbara Jackson of the Edward address and Mrs. Rose Glassmyer of Germany; two sons, Ronnie Baldridge and Arkie Baldridge of the Edward addresss; two sisters, Mrs. Bernice Scott of 1870 South Orleans and Mrs. Irma Crawford of 15 Shady Lane and three brothers, Thomas O. Baldridge of the South Orleans address, Henry D.

Baldrideg of St. Petersburg, and Kahn Baldridge of Las Vegas, Nev. National Funeral Home has charge. HUGH CARROLL Retired Jackson Merchant Dies At Home Here Services for Hugh Carroll, retired Jackson, merchant 1 who died at 2:05 a.m. yesterday at his home, 3351 Bowen, will be at 3:30 this afternoon at National Funeral Home? Burial will be in Memorial Park.

He was 81. Mr. Carroll operated a mercantile business in Jackson a- bout 45 years before he retired and moved to Memphis 11 years ago. Born He in had been ill six years. Center Point in Chester County, Mr.

Carroll was a member of Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Church where he formerly was superintendent of the Sunday school. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Lillie Belle Carroll, whom he married more than years ago; a daughter, Mrs. Charles C. Collison of 556 Baltic; a son, R.

L. 'Bob' Carroll of 3416 Faxon; three sisters, Mrs. Betty Weaver of Milledgeville, Mrs. Alice Galbreath of Center Point and Mrs. Ellen Holly of Jack's Creek, a brother, William Carroll of McKenzie, and three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

MISS MABEL ROBERTSON Rites Held For Former Railway Express Employe Services for Miss Mabel Robertson of 1936 Dupont, who died at 11:30 Saturday night at a Shelby County hospital, were held yesterday afternoon at National Funeral Home. Burial was in Memorial Park. Miss Robertson, who was 61, had been ill since June 21. She had been a PBX operator at the Railway Express Agency here for about 45 years. Born at Jackson, she had lived here since the age of 15.

She was a Methodist. Fond of pets, she kept many dogs and cats in her home. Many were animals she found homeless on the streets. She leaves two brothers, Charles Robertson and Otto Robertson, and a sister, Mrs. Joan Kain, all of Memphis.

Mrs. E. L. Crick Mrs. Helen L.

Crick of 2105 Jefferson was found dead at her home about 3:30 yesterday morning by her husband, E. L. Crick. She was Police said Mrs. Crick had been receiving treatments for a brain tumor for several months.

Wise Funeral Home of Eupora, has charge. Mrs. Lela Reed Services for Mrs. Lela E. Reed of Holly Springs, widow William Reed, will be at 2 this afternoon at Bethlehem Methodist Church near Potts Camp, Miss.

Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mrs. Reed, who was 75, died yesterday at North Mississippi Hospital in Holly Springs. She was the mother of Walter R. Reed and T.

L. Reed of Memphis. Mrs. Katie Kirkpatrick Services Mrs. Katie G.

Crain Kirkpatrick of 779 North Belvedere, who died Sunday, be at 2 this afternoon at Cosmopolitan Funeral Home with Dr. Paul T. Jones officiating. Burial will be in Pleasant Union Cemetery near Rosemark. Mrs.

Kirkpatrick was the widow of J. S. Kirkpatrick, who died more than 50 years ago. Senator To Be 92 WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.

(UPI) -Senator Theodore Francis Green R.I.) said Monday he will spend his 92nd birthday Friday "quietly" at his Providence, R. home. Green is oldest man to ever serve in the High Low 24-hr. Yester- Sun. Rainday Night fall Atlanta 87 66 Boston 83 65 Brownsville.

Texas 93 82 Chattanooga 90 64 Chicago 66 Cincinnati 90 69 Denver 56 35 Fort Smith 91 79 Galveston 89 83 Jackson. Miss. 92 Jacksonville 84 Kansas City 75 Knoxville 91 64 Little Rock 89 Los Angeles 74 Louisville 93 Pensacola 86 Mobile 88 MEMPHIS AIRPORT 89 75 Miami 94 76 Paul 61 Montgomery 94 Nashville New Orleans New York 80 North Platte 60 Portland Ore, 66 Oklahoma City 85 2. Phoenix 91 Pittsburgh 90 Salt Lake City 55 05 San Francisco 78 57 Seattle 59 47 Shreveport 91 76 Springfield, Mo. 85 62 91 St.

Louis 84 64 1 25 Washington 85 67 Williston 44 37 .01. South Pole 1-64 -76 MEMPHIS. Sept. Salable receipts 900. Around 1 load slaughter steers on offer: helfers scarce: balance of run mainly slaughter cows and stockers; latter class comprised around 60 per cent of receipts; trading fairly active on slaughter steers and heifers at steady prices; cows closed slow: steady to 50 cents lower; bulls and stockers generally unchanged; choice 1,100 to 1.125 pound fed steers 27.50-28.50; latter prices to package for high choice good and choice 950 to 1.050 pound steers 25.00-27.00: scattering of utility and standard 600 to 800 pounds slaughter helfers 18.00-23.00; utility and commercial cows 15.50-18.00; canners and cutters 12.50-15.50; few 16.00 early; shelly canners down to 10.00; utility commercial bulls 19.00-21.00; canners and cutters 16.00-19.00; medium and good 500 to 600 pound stock steers 22.00-26.00; same grade heifers 21.00-25.00: common and medium stockers 17.00-22.00; common and medium stock cows 14.00-16.00.

CALVES: Salable receipts 80. Run mainly stock calves; slaughter calves scarce: Vealers slaughter absent; calves trading strong fairly to 1.00 active: higher: prices stock calves steady: good and choice 300 500 pound slaughter calves 23.00-26.00; utility and standard 17.00-22.00; culls down to 13.00; medium and good 250 to 500 pound stock steer calves 23.00-28.00: same grade heifers 22.00-26.00; few good and choice steer 29.00; common and stock calves 18.00-23.00 HOGS: Salable receipts 450. Receipts mainly U. S. Nos.

2 and 3 180 to 220 pound barrows and gilts; sows scarce: trading butchers fairly active: 25 to prices on lower both and sows 50 cents than Friday's close: mixed lots U. S. Nos. 1-3 and 2 and 3. 200 to 250 pound barrows gilts 13.50-13.75: few No.

3 down to 13.25; No. 1 and 2 lots 13.75- 14.00; No. 1-3 170 to 190 pounds 12.00- 13.00: 140 to 160 10.50-11.50: No. 1-3 sows under 400 pounds 10.50-12.00: No. 2 and 3 400 to 550 pounds 9.50-10.25.

NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. mixed No. 1-3 190 to 250-15. barrows and gilts 13.50 13.75: 1-3 170 to 190 lbs. 13.00@13.50; mixed grade 170 lbs.

12.25@13.00; 120 to 140 lbs. 10.75@12.25: sows No. 1-3 400 lbs. down 11.00@12.50: No. 1-3 around 320 to 330 lbs.

12.75: heavier sows 10.00@ 10.75; boars over 250 lbs. 8.50. CATTLE 6000; calves 600; steers under 1150 lbs. 27.00@27.75; good and slaughter heifers and mixed yearlings 25.00 26.75: utility and commercial cows 16.00@17.50: utility commercial bulls 20.00@21.50; good and choice vealers 25.00@29.00. SHEEP-1600: good to low choice spring lambs 17.00@19.00; good and choice shorn spring lambs No.

2 pelts 17.00@18.50. PRODUCE LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. (AP) Chicago Mercantile Exchange: Butter steady; receipts 674,000: wholesale buying prices unchanged: 93 score AA 92 A 90 89 Cars: 90 61; 89 60. Eggs about steady; receipts 12.800: wholesale buying prices unchanged; or better grade A whites 43: mixed 40; me34; standards 25; dirties checks 21. -(USDA) -Live poultry no tone; Friday's receipts were 51,000 wholesale buying prices unchanged to lower; caponettes over ibs.

mostly CHICAGO POTATO MARKET -Potatoes rivals 285; on track 307: total U.S. shipments for Friday 501; Saturday 286: Sunday 2: supply moderate: demand fair; market barely steady; carlot track sales: Washington Russets 4.15-4.85: Idaho Russets 4.20-4.25: Wisconsin Russet Burbanks 3.15: Minnesota North Dakota Red River Valley Round Reds 2.10-2.25: Wisconsin Round Reds 2.00. Jumble Answers Words are vOGue, BegUN, shiNe, sCheme BOUNCING. Lodge Notices MEMPHIS LODGE No. 118 F.

A. M. will hold a special meeting Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. Work in the Third Degree, Members urged to attend.

Visiting Brethren welcome. BOBBY B. BAKER. W. M.


Rehearsal this Tuesday, Sept. Masonic Temple, 272 Court at 7:30 p.m. Officers other interested members urged to be pr sent. Refreshments. RAY H.

PHIPPS. Commander TOM B. GOODWIN. Recorder DeSOTO LODGE NO, 299 F. A.M.

MASONIC TEMPLE, 4th and meets Court o'clock this St. for Thursday SCHOOL CRAFTSMAN'S night at INSTRUC- CLUB 7:30 TION. All members requested to be present. Visitors welcome. FRED LOHMEYER, PRES.

ERNEST GILLILAND. Secretary Died BARTON. BARTON-Sunday, age 85. Sept. Husband 27, LOUIS Smith, San Barton.

Francisco, Father of L. H. brother Hawkin- of Perry Barton, Marion, Ark. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev. A.

C. Brannon, assisted by the Rev. I. L. Claud, will be held this Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Citizens Funeral Home, West Memphis, Ark.

Interment in Elm wood Cemetery. Pallbearers: J. F. Fogleman, C. V.

Goodwin, Frank Barton, L. P. Mann, John Fogleman, A. Lumpkin, James C. Hale, and Wilson P.

Barton. Honorary pallbearers: Members of the Marion Methodist Church official board of stewards. JACOBS-At residence, 967 Eastmoreland. Sept. 27, 1959, 10:55 p.m..

FRANCES H. S. HOLT Jacobs, JACOBS Memphis, 53 years, Services 4:00 p.m. Tuesday. National Home, the Rev.

Warren Mounts. Interment Forest Hill Cemetery. KIRKPATRICK-At 3574 Walker, Sept. 27, 1959. MRS.

KATIE G. CRAIN KIRKPATRICK, age 96 years. Mother of Mrs. G. C.

Martin, Mrs. C. D. Akers. both of Memphis.

Sister of Mrs. Annie Hooks Services Dr. Paul Tudor Jones, 2 of Memphis, p.m. Tuesday, Cosmopolitan Funeral Home. Interment Pleasant Union Cemetery.


Sept. 25, 1959, MRS. GLADYS FOSTER. Body in state at Lane Avenue Church of God in Christ. 936 Lane Avenue, Wednesday, Sept.

30, 1959, from 6 until 8 p.m. Services will be at 8 p.m.. Bishop A. McEwen. Elder Roosevelt Jackson Eider Walter Shannon officiating.

Interment Galilee Thursday, Memorial Oct. Gardens. 1, at 10:30 a.m. in Southern Funeral Home, JA 7-7311. FITCH--Suddenly in this city Sept.

26, 1959. HAROLD C. FITCH. son of Miss Mary Fitch and Mr. James Clark: brother of John T.

and Michael Fitch, Beverly Ivy and Ora Bell Sanders: grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ivy: host of other relatives and friends survive. Remains will lie in state this Tuesday evening from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Funeral services conducted by Rev.

P. Moody will be held Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1959. 11:00 A.m. in Chapel.

Interment in Grey Creek Church Cemetery. J. 0. Patterson Funeral Home. service, 2204 Chelsea Ave.

Phone BR 4-8623. John Gaston Hospital. Sept. 27. 1959, (2) BABY BOYS BOLDEN.

sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Louls Bolden, brothers of Thomas Bolden, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F.

R. Rhodes, Rev. and Mrs, Leo Williams. Other relatives and friends survive. Burial will be Tuesday, Sept.

29. at 10:00 a.m. In New Park Cemetery, Victory Funeral Home, FA 3-2636. -Funeral services for the late GEORGIA LEE PRUITT. who passed at John Gaston Hospital Sept.

28. 1959, will be in our chapel this Tuesday, Sept. 29. at 11 A.m. Interment in Mt.

Carmel Annex. Arrangements by R. S. Lewis Sons. JA CARE MEANS FOOD TOOLS Your dollar to CARE delivers food for the world's needy tools to help underprivileged people help themselves to more productive economies.

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The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.