Council Urges Use of Copper; Elects Officers at Annual Meeting Harold Konen, chief of Race Track: Volunteer Fire was re-elected president of Silver Bow Volunteer Firemen's Council at the annual meeting Thursday night in Race Track fire station. Paul Armstrong, chief of Home president, succeeding Ban Gannon, VFD, was, elected vice of Big Butte, who was not a candidate, and Clayton Maxwell was reelected secretary-treasurer. Ernest Strong, Opportunity VFD, was re-elected to a three-year term trustee, and Art Korn, Boulevard, term, was succeeding elected Mr. to a Armstrong. year Silver Bow Council went on record to support and urge the use of copper wherever possible and in lieu of substitutes in all public construction in the state financed by tax funds.
Copies of the council's resolution are to be sent to all agencies in the state, from municipal to state level, and to Montana's delegation in Congress. The council also went on record urging that work on the federal interstate highway network be undertaken at the earliest possible date to bolster Montana's economy. Volunteer firemen were advised that surveys on much of the route through Montana have been or are near completion and construction would provide work for a large number of men. The council's resolution also opposes any major, changes in route, holding it should follow, Highway 10, and opposes any Electrical Group Meeting Here A board meeting Friday night in the Hotel Finlen marked the opening of a meeting of the Montana Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Assn. A general session will be held today, starting at 9 a.m.
During the session the delegates will hear addresses by four speakers. They are Harvey Hubbell Bridgeport, Robert L. Erickson, General Electric Butte: Richard Miller, Montana Standard advertising department, and Clarence Kommers, Montana Power, Butte. Officers of Montana Chapter include A. L.
Rowe, Great Falls, governor; Galen Naylor, Billings, president; Arthur Stuart, Bozeman, vice president, and Donald C. Bodley, also of Bozeman, treasurer. Mr. Hubbell represents Harvey Hubbell of Bridgeport, and will address the Montanans on growth of wiring device configuration and the new national electrical code pertaining to grounding." His subject is of prime interest in the industry. The speaker is the son of Harvey Hubbell, president of the firm he represents, and inventor of the Hubbell twist lock and 'R' locking connectors.
His grandfather, Harvey Hubbell, founded the company. The elder Mr. Hubbell was the inventor of the light socket, a device brought into being just nine years after Thomas A. Edison made the first incandescent lamp. He also designed the first duplex receptacle for use in homes and made the first toggle switch in 1917.
graduate of Babson Institute business administration, Mr. Hubbell, through association and training, is well versed in the electrical field and he has a wide reputation as an able speaker. Mr. Erickson is sales engineer for General Electric apparatus sales division. He has been affiliated with the company for the last 11 years and has had wide experience.
He started with General Electric in Fort Wayne, and later worked at Schnectady, N. and Lynn, before coming to Butte in 1949. He is a graduate of the University of Utah, is married and father of two children. The family home is at 1215 West Steel. Soroptimist Club Has Meeting A business meeting was held in Hotel Finlen by the Butte Soroptimist club with Mrs.
Erma Hord presiding. During the session delegates were named to represent the organization at education and foreign policy meetings scheduled in the near future. Three new members were welcomed into the club. They are Margaret Melka, Irene Prenevost and Roberta Tretheway. Others attending the sessions were Pat Arthun, Wilda Axelson, Ruth Boulter, Jennie Bull, Mary Lamb, Isabel Parsons, Faye Perry, Maybelle Rockefeller, Rose Shaw, Virginia Suydam, Lu Steele, Dorothy Williams and Mrs.
Hord. HUB CAPS STOLEN Police received two reports of stolen hub caps Friday. William J. Monroe, 301 N. Jackson, reported that two were taken from his 1957 Plymouth while it was parked in the 600 block on East Park about 9:30 p.m.
Thursday. Gordon Spring of Silver Bow Homes reported that two spinner type were taken from his 1956 Mercury Thursday night. FREE FREE TV Radio Tubes You Test Or We Test CORTESE STORE 29 W. Daly St. Walkerville Open 10 A.M.
to 10 P.M., Including Sundays. Philipsburg News Bureau Philipsburg Items Of Interest Told PHILIPSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dufour and children and his mother, Mrs. Julia Dufour, were recent visitors in Butte with relatives.
James Patten and daughters, Patria and Marilyn, of Chula Vista, arrived in Philipsburg last Friday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Patten, and other relatives and friends. They are former residents of Philipsburg. LeRoy Corbin, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Corbin of Philipsburg, has been promoted to private first class in the Army. Corbin is stationed at Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr. and Mrs.
B. G. Paige spent the weekend visiting relatives in Sheridan, Twin Bridges and Alder. They were accompanied by Mrs. Paige's sister, Mrs.
K. L. Staninger of Missoula. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Ryan and children of Missoula were recent visitors in Philipsburg with his mother, Mrs. Phil Ryan, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Davis. Dave Foley has sold out his interest in the Foley ranch on Rock Creek to Mrs.
Anna' Cannof. The Foleys moved to Twin Bridges where they have purchased a ranch. Mrs. from Alma Missoula Burnett has returned home where she was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper and three children returned to their home Missoula after visiting in Philipsburg with Mrs. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Sorensen. Mr.
and Mrs. Edsel Haile and children and Mrs. C. M. Huffman went to Missoula to visit Mr.
Huffman who is a patient in St. Patrick Hospital. Darlene Alecksich, RN, of Soap Lake, arrived in Philipsburg Sunday to spend. a week with her mother, M. Huffman, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haacke and sons had as guests in their home recently Mr. and Mrs. Alva Cole and daughter, Cecelia, Lillian 01- sen and Bill Triplett, all of Victor.
P. A. Corbin has returned to his home at Whitehall after visiting several days in Philipsburg with his son, H. R. Corbin, and family.
Mrs. James A. Burns of Porter's Corner has left for Seattle where she is to be admitted to the Swedish Hospital for treatments. Mrs. Roy Measom has returned from Helena after visiting Mr.
Measom, a patient at Ft. Harrison. Recent guests in the home of John R. Page were Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Kingrey of Greenough. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owsley were their daughter, Loretta, and her friends, Jean Tyler and Jackie Matchett, student nurses at the state hospital Warm Springs. Donna Erickson of Missoula visited here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. James Powell were recent visitors in Whitehall with their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Simonich. They also visited friends in Butte on their way home. Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Finn had as dinner guests in their, home last Sunday Mr. and Malcolm Keys and family and Mrs. Ethel Nogel, all of Anaconda. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe were in Missoula last Saturday for a meeting of the Blackfoot Telephone Co. Philipsburg Residents Attend GOP Meeting PHILIPSBURG Several dents from Philipsburg attended the recent dinner meeting in Drummond of the Granite County Republican Central Committee. They included Sen. and Mrs. H.
A. Murphy, Mrs. Waive K. Poese, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy M. Greenheck, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mungas, Mr.
and Mrs. E. V. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. McDonald, Mrs. Agnes McDonald, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Buchanan, Mr Mrs. Ted Kocher, Mrs. Herman L. Hauck and Chauncey Kennedy. Granite Democrats Planning Dinner PHILIPSBURG Plans for a dinner meeting, on a date to be announced, were formulated at a recent meeting of Granite County Democrats.
Jack Mickey, county chairman, presided. Among those attending were Hugh Cumming, candidate for nomination as state senator from Granlite lower County, and John Mentsells of valley. Philipsburg Notes PHILIPSBURG Mrs. Jack Miller was hostess in her, home Tuesday afternoon for mothers of the Country Cousin's 4-H Club. During the meeting Mrs.
Norman Bohrnsen gave an interesting talk on the work of the 4-H. Others present were Mrs. Theodore Saurer, Mrs. Ross Hayworth and Mrs. L.
R. Nesbit. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Metesh and family were Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Brayham and daughters of Butte. Mr. and Mrs. William Metesh, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Heimark and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Metesh were Butte business visitors this week. LIONS SET DANCE PHILIPSBURG-The Philipsburg Lions Club will sponsor a Washington's Birthday Dance in the multipurpose building Friday, Feb.
21. Krieg's orchestra will provide music and dancing will be from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phyllis Whitney Files for Office Mrs. Phyllis Mahoney Whitney of 417 N.
Excelsior filed Friday in the office of William T. Duckham, county clerk and recorder, for Democratic nomination at the June 3 primary to the position of Silver Bow County treasurer. Mrs. Whitney, widow of Harold Whitney, is a native of Centerville and the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
William Mahoney, well known residents of Butte and vicinity. The candidate was educated at St. Lawrence School and Butte Business College, and has been in business in Butte as operator of a grocery store at 323 N. Washington and manager of the Gordon Pillow Service at the Greyhound and Intermountain bus terminal. She is also a former employe of the Hennessy Department Store.
mother was well known in Silver Bow County as a. Democratic precinct committeewoman for many years, and her husband was prominent in labor circles as a member of the miners, blacksmiths, teamsters and machinists unions. Mrs. Whitney is the mother of two children, one of whom is living, g. and has two brothers and a sister who are residents of Butte and well known here.
In announcing her candidacy, she pledged herself if nominated and elected to conduct the office of county treasurer with honesty and efficiency, and to give the public the best possible service. Butte Briefs Anaconda residents who became parents of a daughter in Community Memorial Hospital Friday 'are Mr. and Mrs. Elchard J. Smith, 215 W.
Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. George Hemund, Cardwell, Friday in Community Memorial became parents of a daughter. In St.
James Hospital Friday, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Stillwagon, 27 Main, Meaderville. Marriage licenses were issued Friday from the office of Frank Gabse, clerk of the District Court, to Nels H. Darling, 58, Charlotte S.
McKenzie, 51, and to Eland ner Fuhrman, 27, and Violet Hawes, 21, all of Butte. Barbara Knight of Roy was a guest in the Leggat Hotel Friday. Ray H. Herbst came here Friday from Helena. A Bozeman resident who visited in the Mining City Friday was E.
H. Tucker. The Butte Chess Club will meet Saturday evening at the home of H. A. Wendel, 2912 State starting at 8 o'clock.
Visitors and new chess players are welcome to attend, but are requested to call Mr. Wendel, telephone 3396. The American Legion Auxiliary Juniors will meet Saturday at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs.
Roger Peterson, 1731 Whitman, with members bringing Valentines, skates and snapshots. The Officers Club of Royal Neighbors of America will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock in the Moxom. Farm Bureau's Meeting Tonight PHILIPSBURG-Dale E. Metlen of Armstead will be the featured speaker on the program at the Granite. County Farm Bureau meeting which will be Saturday evening in the bank recreation room.
Mr. Metlen has been active, in Farm Bureau for 25 years and is a member of the Montana Stockgrower's Assn. He was a leader in the organization of the Beaverhead laboratory which was established to serve the livestock industry. Others on the program will include Loren Luthje, who will show pictures of Germany taken during his tour of duty with the Army. Colored slides will also be shown by Bob Gillies.
A 6 o'clock -host supper will be served and all Farm Bureau members are urged to attend. Walkerville VFD Sets Election A meeting to elect officers for the Walkerville Volunteer Fire Department will be Sunday at 2 p.m. in. the Walkerville Community Hall. John Casagranda, fire chief, urged all members to attend.
Lawyers to Attend Giacoma Services Members of the Silver Bow County Bar Assn. are requested by R. Lewis Brown, president, to meet at Duggan Merrill Mortuary at 9 o'clock this morning to attend the funeral of Joseph Giacoma. Remodel Your Home! We have the latest ideas and will be glad to talk them over with you. O'CONNELL Construction Co.
113 No. Hamilton For Your Repair Needs Walks Roads Porches Additions Repair Now and save Phone 5514 Free Estimates, Prompt Service Montana Standard, Saturday, February 15, 19587 -Opportunities Unlimited- Clear But Flexible Plan Spells Success for Her By ANNE HEYWOOD Most of us, it seems to me, either overplan our lives or underplan them. This is especially true of young people, at least judgling Some by of my mail. school students our high haven't planned what they are going to do, whether or not they'll go to college, what kind of job they'll go after. Others, on the contrary, have planned everything to the last dot on the last and haven't left room for a lucky break to get in if it wanted to.
The wise way, of course, lies half-way between. Have a pretty clear plan in your mind, but keep it flexible enough to change if change should seem indicated. That's the way a reader of mine, Joan Schull, handles it. Joan is a teenager in Mapleton, Minn. She is really headed in the right direction.
Joan is planning to go to the the Mankato Commercial College when she finishes high school. "But," says Joan, "I'll start at the bottom and work She would like to be a secretary in the television field but she is open-minded about that. She is already getting a little experience with offices. Here's what she says: "To help further my knowledge of office ways, I am working in the principal's office during a free period. It is not exactly like an office, but it offers office situations.
I find it to be interesting and enjoyable work." On top of this, Joan is active in a lot of extracurricular activities, including the National Honor Society, the Usher's Club, Girls' Athletic the school newspaper and the school annual. This is the perfect combination for a teenager. First, a general but not too rigid plan; second, a "tasting" of lots of activities through extracurricular things. William Geagan Is Candidate changes that would cause delays in construction operations. jointly -fireman training The council, adjourned to meet program committee of the Montana State Volunteer Firemen's Assn.
and Miss Harriet Miller, state suof instruction. perintendent, assured the firemen that no changes would be made in the present training program, in which her office provides instructors for volunteer firemen's schools, and that studies, would be made courses of instructhompfered, the results to be submitted to volunteer firemen and other interested groups for approval. Miss Miller explained that funds a 50-50 state and fedto pay instructors, are provided on eral government. from She the solicited fire recommendations services on qualified men for posts as instructors and for suggested For nearly an hour Miss Miller better training methods. answered a number of questions propounded by the firemen, most of them dealing with technicalities.
At the close of her address, Miss Miller was given a rising vote of thanks for her interest and cOoperation. James V. Keyes presided after the meeting was opened by Mr. Gannon, state president of the volunteers. Refreshments and lunch were served by Race Track VFD.
Among those present were: Albert Boognl, Fred Kobb, Peter Medvitt, William Lappin, Tony Matule, E. J. DeGeorge, Herb Carney, Tom Furlong, R. W. Suydam, Mr.
Konen and Mr. Keyes, Race Track. N. F. Simon, Mr.
Gannon, Mr. Maxwell, Big Butte. G. E. Kore, John E.
Jones and Frank Jursnik, East Butte. Bob Spear, George Fabatz, Matt Plutt, Joseph Spear, McQueen. H. O. Schilling, J.
0. Thomas, Joe Bartzen, Floral Park. Bruno J. Lencioni, Jack Schara, Columbia Gardens. Jack Sullivan, Michael J.
O'Rourke, Fred Keller, Centerville. Dave Fisher, Art Korn, Edward A. West, Thomas Osborn, Boulevard. Murl Gidel Mr. Armstrong, who also represented Montana State Fire Chief Home Atherton.
J. F. Rouse, Jack Francisco, Ernest M. Strong, Marlen Morgan, Opportunity. William J.
Bennetts, East Side. John Casagranda, John J. Harrington, Walakerville. Angelo Petroni, James F. Lynch, Meaderville.
Leonard Lucky, J. G. Buyan, Jack Kearns, Melrose. Robert Glick, Sheridan. C.
O. Lundberg, Hardin. G. P. Khaff, Sidney.
Hospital Notes COMMUNITY MEMORIAL Admitted Mrs. Lee Carter, 1613 Florence; Master Warren Dupuis, 2700. Argyle; Mrs. Marlene Whitted, 16 Cora Terrace, Walkerville; Mrs. Mary.
Kelly, 611 N. Main; Joe Kump, 209 Watson; Mrs. Lucille Transue, 411 E. Mercury; Russell Gregg, 58 W. Mercury; Charles H.
Dailey, 2216 Oak. Dismissed Mrs. Dorothy L. Rizzie, 3213 Carter; Norma J. Sitton, 2005 Garrison; Baby Patricia L.
Kaario, E. Mercury; Master Kent G. Clark, 521 S. Philip H. Reed, 402 E.
Mercury; Mrs. Charmaine Martin, Colorado; Master Michael D. Martin, 500 Colorado; Mrs. Lillian Tiefenthaler, 107 Cedar Park, Anaconda; Mrs. Kipp and son, 324 W.
Mercury; Master Wallace Master Michael T. and Baby Robin R. Umland, 609 W. Park; Janet L. Adams, 4 Mile Vue.
ST. JAMES Admitted Ernest D. Adams, 807 Waukesha; Thomas K. Osborne, 1909 S. Montana; Daniel Trbovich, Anaconda; Alfred Mobley, 501 W.
Granite; Mrs. Catherine Sheehan, 113 W. Boardman; Mrs. Veronica M. O'Brien, 1007 Empire; Mrs.
Ruth Walker, 141 E. Walkerville; Alice Ann Duttenhefer, 111 Cedar Park, Anaconda; Mrs. Mary L. Reed, Maryland; Earl M. Johns, Anaconda; Judy Jo Petrin, 2300 Spruce; Mrs.
Margaret Fellows, S. Main; John R. Sayatovic, 2310 Hazel. Dismissed Lloyd J. Magnuson, 1440 Holmes; Jeanette Marie Murphy, North Drive; Frank E.
Schewe, Helena; Melvene Levesey, 3210 Edwards; Ken Stephen Eurick, 2114 Elm; Mrs. Agnes Mackey, W. Daly, Walkerville: Mrs. Eileen Odlan, 831 N. Wyoming; Arthur M.
Sylvain, 405 S. Montana; Mrs. Florence Baravetto, 2420 Farrell; Joseph Kump, 209 Watson; Mrs. Charlotte A. Vigurs, 1116 S.
Wyoming; Juanita Poitras, 201. S. Washington; Wm. Fish, 335 E. Mercury; John DeArchie, 27 W.
Quartz; Mrs. Martha E. McEwen, 208 W. Park; Mrs. Margaret LaForest, 201 W.
Granite; Mrs. Dorothy Bokun, 1902 S. Gaylord; Mrs. Gloria Spoonemore, 508 Daly, Walkerville: Mrs. Ella Rae Harmon, 304 N.
Washington; Diana Lynn Klaus, 416 W. Park; Susan M. Calzadillas, 710. E. Mercury; Mrs.
Stamena Damovsky, 112 E. Platinum; Stephen Joseph Faulkner, 522 Madison. Lone Survivor Of the famed Seven Wondefs of the ancient world, only one survives- the Pyramids of The others were the Pharos (lighthouse of Alexandria, Hanging Gardens of Bablyon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statute of the Olympian Zeus, the Tomb of King Mausolus and the Colossus of Rhodes. Heads Churchwell PHILIPSBURG At a recent reorganization meeting of Granite County Sportsmen's Tom Churchwell of Philipsburg was elected president; Carl Maehl, Philipsburg, vice president; Bob Fischer, Hall, reelected secretary, and Bernard LeRoy, Philipsburg, reelected treasurer. Elected to the board of directors were Claude Sorensen, Dr.
C. T. Huffman, Walter Edgar, Lloyd Bushby and Lewis B. Hill. Fred Tunstill Funeral Today PHILIPSBURG Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2 o'clock in the Wilson Funeral Home for Fred Tunstill, a resident of Philipsburg who passed away in Veteran's Hospital at Ft.
Harrison Wednesday. Raymond J. Cheyney, pastor of the Federated Church, will officiate and interment will be in the Philipsburg Cemetery. Mr. Tunstill was a native of Arkansas and a Montana resident for 49 years.
The family resided at the Intermountain Mine near Hall before moving to Philipsburg. He served in the Army from June, 1917, to August, 1919. Surviving relatives include his wife, Hazel Tunstill; a son, Gene; a son and daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Richard Tunstill, Philipsburg; three grandchildren in Philipsburg; a sister, Mrs. Ollie law Olyphent and in sisters-in-law, Arkansas; brothers and Mrs.
Cecil Trammell, Helena; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Justice and Mr.
and Mrs. C. Walters, Denver, and Dr. and Mrs. R.
Irish, Limon, Colo. Fireman Is Injured As Blaze Hits Maxville Home PHILIPSBURG- Jack Courtney, a member of the Philipsburg Volunteer Fire ladder received a broken leg when the slipped from under him while he was climbing to an upstairs window during a fire at the Spunich home in Maxville Wednesday night. Dr. C. T.
Huffman, who is an active fireman, was on the scene and attended Courtney, who was brought to the Granite County Memorial Hospital in a station wagon. His condition is reported generally good. Fire Chief Jack Miller stated the fire in the Ruth Spunich bungalow was started by a faulty chimney. Considerable damage resulted from fire, smoke and water. The firemen fought the blaze for an hour and half before it was brought under control.
Legion Auxiliary Meeting Is Held PHILIPSBURG -The auxiliary to the American Legion met Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Fritz Lueck with Mrs. Roy Measom, cohostess. Mrs. Charles Everhard, president, directed a short business session after which a social hour of cards was enjoyed.
Members attending were Mrs. Allen McKenzie, Mrs. Jesse Harrington, Mrs. J. W.
Sorensen, Mrs. Fred Superneau, Mrs. Henry Sternberg, Mrs. Joe Porter, Everhard, Mrs. W.
C. Bowen, Mrs. Arthur Ackershott, Mrs. Herman Hauck and the hostesses. Following the evening's card games, refreshments were served and honors in bridge were presented to Mrs.
Harrington. Mrs. Superneau received high score in pinochle. Hospital Report Granite Memorial Hospital PHILIPSBURG- Admitted to during the week were Laura Budd, Anaconda; Mrs. Milford Jarrett, Anaconda: Baby Evelyn Parker, Drummond; Mrs.
Albert Essen, Mrs. Don Schroeder, Jack Aikin, Mrs. Albert Morrison, Carolyn Ward, and Mrs. Floyd Tidwell all of Philipsburg. Dismissed were Mrs.
Nathan Carr and Laura Budd, Anaconda; Mr. and Mrs. John Van Ostrum, Seven Gables; Mrs. Eileen Wolff and Robert Johnson, Hall; Ross Wells, Deer Lodge; Baby Margaret Rodda, Mrs. Jack Bailey and son, Elmer Lambert, Mrs.
Albert Essen and son, Mrs. Don Schroeder and son, all of Philipsburg. On Feb. 7, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Essen. He has been named Kent Wayne and joins five sisters and brothers. On Feb. 9, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Schroeder became parents a son, Donald Dee. He joins a sister, Dareen. School Trustees Reelect Officers PHILIPSBURG Granite County High School board of trustees recently held a reorganization meeting at the secretary's office. The members voted to maintain the present officers. They are B.
G. Paige, chairman; A. E. White, vice chairman; and Waive, K. Poese, secretary.
Other members of the are George M. Mungas, H. A. Murphy and Charles Lane. The only changes in the committees for the year was the teachers committee.
Charles Lane replaces Mr. Mungas. Board Reappointed PHILIPSBURG The Granite County Commissioners announce that they have reappointed George M. Mungas, B. G.
Paige and Charles Lane as members of the board of trustees for Granite County High School, all for twoyear terms. you have no idea what your specialty should address send me stamped, ed envelope, She Took Part in Many Extracurricular Activities. care of this newspaper, and I'll send you my pamphlet, "Pointers to Your Basic Interest." Miss Robinson Cast In College Opera Sherrill Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Robinson, 504 W. Prophyry and a freshman at St. Mary College, Xavier, will appear as a member of the singing chorus in a scene from Smetana's opera, "'The Bartered Bride," be presented by the school's department of music. The scene will be given as part of the Catholic College Review, a musical program to be presented by four Catholic colleges in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, at the National Guard Armory Sunday.
Miss Robinson is a graduate of Girls Central High School. William N. Geagan, Butte attorney, asks the Democratic nomination to the office of Silver Bow County public administrator in a petition filed Friday in the office of the county clerk and recorder. Mr. Geagan, 32, is a native of Butte and received his education at Immaculate Conception School, Boys Central High School, the University of Virginia and the University of Minnesota, taking his law degree from the latter.
He was admitted to the bar in Montana on Oct. 25, 1951, and is associated in practice here with his father, P. E. Geagan. He lives at 1132 Lewisohn with his wife, Agnes, and their two children, Martha and Patrick.
Mr. Geagan is a member of the Silver Bow County Bar and a past secretary-treasurer of that organization, and a member of the Montana Bar the Mining District Bar the American Bar Knights of Columbus, Elks and Central Round Table. He announced in filing: "If I am nominated and elected will during my term of office uphold and perform my oath of office with honor, dignity, integrity and to the best of my ability, in a professionally qualified manner, giving preference to none and giving attention to all matters with which I am concerned, and perform all duties required of me by law." Dr. Adami Promotes School of Mines Dr. Arthur E.
Adami, dean emeritus at Montana- School of Mines, is visiting Washington, D.C. and New York City to promote, the interests of Montana of Mines and the college's Research and Development Foundation. He will return about Feb. 25. Rio Grande City, Texas, a town with a population of 3,877, was once army headquarters for young officers Ulysses S.
Grant, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis and John Pershing. PENNEY'S Shop Why these Pay week-end More? ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY! specials WHILE THEY LAST! Timely in-season merchandise at huge savings to make room for sparkling new stocks! Girls' POLO SHIRTS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK! 2 for 1.00 MEN'S WOOL WOOL Women's SKIRTS Better SURCOATS Now 3.88 Don't Pay More Than 9 Only Popular navy blue peacoat style! A treNow Sizes Women's SUBURBANS Fleece fice mendous price. winter wear value at this sacri- $4 13.88 8-14. BAsem*nT Girls' Wool Large Hemmed Plastic Drapes MITTENS, GLOVES FLOUR SACKS Huge Selection! Now 44c 3 for $1 Now 1.98 12 only, Infants' New Drape and Men's GLOVES SNOWSUITS Piece Goods Dressy Styles REMNANTS Now 4.88 At New Low Prices! unlined Lined, $2 36 Only, Girls' Corduroy and Men's Flannel Corduroy Slacks Everglaze Prints SPORT SHIRTS Now Sizes Now 120 only.
1.88 4-14. yard Plaids, plains. 1.88 'Em by the Pound! Women's Knit Buy PJ's, Flannel GOWNS TOWEL only Now $2 ENDS! Women's SCARVES Wool SQUARES at tremendous savings Now 88c to you! 8 Only, Men's Odd sizes, several colors, thick, thirsty Terry Sheeplined per COATS towel ends have hundreds of uses. Save! THIRD FLOOR lb. Now $8 100 Only, Men's Entire Stock 40 Pair Only WINTER CAPS Boys' SWEATERS Women's Snowboots Reversible 50c Cardigans, 2.88 AA Mostly widths $5 twills Slipovers Boys' Leather 70 Pair Boys' Slipper Sox and Wool CAPS Corduroy PANTS Men's, Women's, Children's Styles! Now 97c plaids 3.33 4-20.
Plains, Sixes 1.33.